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Tuesday, 01 October 2019 13:14

October 2019 Superintendency Message

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A message from Assistant Superintendent Lori Rasmussen:

An Ordinary Day 

As we have been out reading in our schools, one couldn't help but notice the many dedicated people who work diligently to provide our students with a remarkable school experience. One wouldn't have to look far to see boundless amounts of work and service being rendered. In an ordinary day you might witness a maintenance worker repairing a drinking fountain, a custodian mowing the lawn, buses picking up and delivering our precious students,  and a student resource officer ensuring the safety of our students. As you walk into the school, the tremendous smell of lunch being prepared would waft through the air. One could hear the sounds of learning throughout the halls. One might hear a teacher's voice delivering a thoughtful lesson, students collaborating, a parent volunteer tutoring a child with reading, or the silence of students working on a project using their chromebooks. Add to this, the sight of a secretary comforting a student who doesn't feel well and a principal greeting students warmly in the hall. What a wonderful, ordinary day! As I reflected on the many visits to schools it occurred to me the enormity of daily effort  that goes into providing students with a quality education. You've heard the quote "It takes a village to raise a child." This African proverb  means that an entire community of people must interact with children in order for those children to experience and grow in a safe and healthy environment. Our community epitomizes this concept. Weber District is honored to be part of a community where the whole child is valued. Where every Weber School District employee strives to ensure all students are safe, challenged, supported, and engaged. The fine efforts of employees, parents, and community members to move good forward in our district provides an extraordinary education for our students. Thanks to all! 

Speaking of a village. . . here are some numbers behind the story-

  • Weber School District was formally established in 1905
  • Weber School District is the 7th largest district out of 41 district's in the state
  • We currently have 45 schools
  • There are 33,000 K-12 students in Weber School District
  • There are 400 Preschool students
  • There are over 3600 employees
  • We serve over 18,300 meals daily
  • Buses pick up students at 6,693 bus stops daily
Read 2908 times Last modified on Tuesday, 01 October 2019 14:56