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Friday, 28 October 2016 14:29


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Weber County School District and its employees will adhere to the National Copyright Law (Title 17, United States Code). Copies not specifically allowed by the law, by fair use criteria, by license agreement, or by the permission of the copyright holder are prohibited.

Responsibility for keeping district personnel advised as to copyright and the right to make copies of media materials is placed with the Office of Instructional Services

Liability for willful infringement is placed upon the person or persons not adhering to such laws.

—Board Policy, June 16, 1992 

Copyright Guidelines

Printed Materials 
Teachers may make a single copy for research purposes of:  
  A. A chapter from a book  
  B. An article from a periodical or newspaper  
  C. A short story, essay or poem  
  D. A chart, graph, diagram, drawing, or cartoon from a book, periodical, or newspaper.  
    (Copyrighted, syndicated cartoons may not be copied)  
Teachers may make multiple copies for classroom use if:  
  A. The materials meet the test of brevity:  
    1. Poetry—less than 250 words  
    2.  Prose—a complete article, story, or essay of less than 2,500 words, or an excerpt of not more than 1,000 words or 10% of the work, whichever is less.  
  B. The materials meet the test of cummulative effect:  
    1. The copies are for one course in the school.  
    2. Not more than one poem, article or essay, or two excerpts from the same author.  
    3. Not more than three pieces from the collective work or periodical volume during one class term.  
    4. No more than nine instances of such multiple copying for one course during one class term.  
Exceptions: Unlimited copying of newspaper articles and current news selections of other periodicals.  
Restrictions: Copying may not be used to create or replace an anthology, compilation or collective work.  
There shall be no copying of consumable works without written permission of the publisher.  
No copying may substitute for the purchase of books. 

Audio/Video Tapes

Instructional Television (ITV) programs (Channels 7 or 9) typically may be recorded for school use—see the "Instructional Television" schedule for restrictions in your media center.  
Videotapes bearing "For Home Use Only" labels may be used in schools if they meet the following conditions:  
  A. They are shown in a room regularly used for instructional purposes (not auditoriums, for example).  
  B. the material is an integral part of the curriculum.  
  C. They are not shown for purely recreational viewing.  
    (Recreational viewing constitutes a public performance and the appropriate royalities must be paid.) 

Videotapes appearing in the district catalog have had the appropriate fees paid for use in the schools. They may be duplicated at the school site for school use, if they do not bear a "Do Not Duplicate" or "For Home Use Only" insignia. 

Off-air recording must be initiated by the teacher, not the library media personnel. The program may be used for 10 school days for direct student instructional instruction and must be erased after 45 calendar days. 

Copyrighted materials may not be transferred from one medium to another. For example, you may not copy a 33 1/3 recording to tape, a Compact Disc to tape, or a radio broadcast to tape for use in the classroom.

Computer Software  

School equipment may not be used to copy computer software illegally. The use of illegally copied software in schools is prohibited.

Software licensing agreements of copyright holders must be observed.

Multiple loading of software is prohibited without written permission from the copyright holder.

Use of computer software on a network computer system is prohibited without written permission of the copyright holder.

Software purchased by the district may not be used outside the schools unless provided for by license.


Copies of sheet music may be duplicated for use by a chorus providing a purchase order for individual copies of the music has been issued. Once the music has arrived, the duplicate a must be destroyed.

Read 22599 times Last modified on Friday, 28 October 2016 14:32
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