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Sunday, 01 September 2019 22:01

September 2019 Superintendency Message

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A message from Assistant Superintendent Art Hansen:

Last year, my first-grade granddaughter came home from school with a powerful message shared with her class by an inspired teacher. She told me, "Grandpa, you've gotta' dream big!" When I asked her what that meant; she told me that we can do great things if we dream big. I asked her what great things she would like to accomplish, and she shared with me several occupations she wanted to do and a dream to one day compete in the Olympics.  

I loved the sparkle in her eyes as she envisioned a future from the perspective of a six-year-old. Although it is likely that her dreams will change over time, I was encouraged that a person whom she respected encouraged her to think about what her future may hold, that the sky's the limit, and that she will have the chance to explore opportunities to discover her talents.  

It is my hope that every one of us can remember those in our lives who have encouraged us to try something we never would have dared attempt without their encouraging words -- the confidence they showed in us that enabled us to accomplish something we wouldn't have otherwise tried or dreamed we could do.    

That is why I love the education profession. It is filled with caring adults who want to give back and make a difference in the lives of their students. They all have a story of why they chose education as their career path. Most of those stories involve an influential teacher or staff member who had an impact on their lives. We have multiple opportunities every day to recognize the good in our students, to plant seeds that encourage the exploration of knowledge and opportunities that will guide their future.  

The words we use around all children are powerful…both for the positive or the negative. Let's work to sow the seeds of encouragement, sharing confidence-building messages. By helping our children develop skills and talents and by recognizing and reinforcing positive behaviors, every adult has the power to make a difference in the life of a child.  

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