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Wednesday, 01 April 2020 13:30

April 2020 Superintendency Message

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A message from Assistant Superintendent Lori Rasmussen:

A Message to Our Students

Dear Weber School District Students,

You are living in remarkable times. Never has the world seen the likes of these current events. Here in Utah we have experienced not only the fallout of the Coronavirus but an earthquake as well. You have experienced all kinds of events this last month. "Social Distancing" has become an all too familiar phrase. The NBA season and March Madness were cancelled. Your traditional events have been cancelled. Even school has been dismissed until May 1st. Your world changed overnight. 

Through all of this, one thing became clear; you are brave, you are strong! You have the opportunity to find the good, even in very difficult times. You are finding ways to come together in today's world. We have heard of amazing acts of kindness and humanity across our community. Whether it is posting positive messages through social media and hashtags, sharing positive thoughts through sidewalk chalk drawings, checking in on friends and loved ones digitally, even communicating the old fashioned way of writing a letter to someone to let them know that you are thinking of them and that you care about them and appreciate their soul. 

It seems that in this crisis, many of us are realizing that we took some things for granted. I know that I did. I took for granted being able to hug my grandkids tight. I took for granted going to eat with dear friends and sharing those precious moments. I have heard from many of you that you even took school for granted. School is much more than a place of learning. It is a place of connection and a place of humanity. We want you to know we miss you dearly. We feel for you. 

The good news is that this crisis will soon be over. We will have those opportunities to connect, to reach out to those you may have missed, to take chances, to dance like nobody's watching, and to live the life you deserve. Out of all of this, the greater good will prevail and we will be stronger than ever. Please take care of yourselves at this time and stay safe. See you soon!

Read 3089 times Last modified on Wednesday, 01 April 2020 13:34