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Friday, 28 October 2016 14:33

Video Policy

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8400 - Audio and Visual Media Usage

    The Board of Education of Weber School District recognizes that movies, videos, and audiovisual materials can enhance the educational experience. The board’s intent is that audio and visual media materials are used legally and appropriately in achieving legitimate educational objectives and are appropriate for age and/or grade/subject level.

    All use of audiovisual support materials in an instructional setting must comply with applicable laws. These materials should be selected and authorized as outlined in this policy and their use should align with an educational purpose, comply with applicable parental notification and permission requirements; and not be used solely for reward or entertainment. All visual media must be used under the supervision of the instructor and in compliance with applicable copyright laws and licensing agreements.

    1. “Audio and visual media” means electronic media that have either sound or visual components or both. This includes music, audiobooks, videos, and any other type of live or recorded media presented for hearing or viewing purposes.
    2. “Rating” means the rating given a movie by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA); ie., G, PG, PG-13, R MPAA Ratings Page

    1. Instructional Use
      1. In elementary schools, short segments of G and PG-rated media may be used provided they do not contain vulgarity, indecency, nudity, excessive violence, and/or profanity. Movies or short segments of movies rated PG-13, R, or NC-17 will not be shown in elementary schools or at school-sponsored activities.
      2. In junior high schools, short segments of G and PG-rated media may be used provided they do not contain vulgarity, indecency, nudity, excessive violence, and/or profanity. In 9th-grade short segments of PG-13-rated media may also be used provided they do not contain vulgarity, indecency, nudity, excessive violence, and/or profanity. Movies or short segments of movies rated, R, or NC-17 will not be shown in junior high schools or at school-sponsored activities.
      3. In high schools, short segments or G, PG, and PG-13-rated media may be used provided they do not contain vulgarity, indecency, nudity, excessive violence, and/or profanity. School administration must approve the use of visual media longer than short segments and a public performance license must be obtained. Movies or short segments rate R or NC-17 will not be shown in secondary schools or at school-sponsored activities.
      4. Visual media must be used under the direct supervision of the instructor.
      5. Use of media during instructional time is limited to instructional purposes and not for entertainment or as a reward. It may be used to initiate, enhance, or culminate teaching units. Students should be guided by the teacher in connecting media to academic content through pre- and post-activities related to the curriculum.
      6. The instructional value of a particular piece of media shall be weighed against the value of the academic time it consumes. Only those segments of media which illustrate the topic or curriculum content should be presented, rather than a lengthy program in its entirety.
    2. Use for Entertainment or Rewards
      1. Teachers may use visual media (either a clip or a full film) for entertainment or reward purposes only on rare occasions and only with approval from the school administration. A public performance license must be obtained.
      2. Rating guidelines for instructional use outlined above in section V. A. must be followed with the exception of PG -13 rated material at the junior high level.
      3. Teachers showing 9th graders full movies rated PG-13, for entertainment or reward purposes, must obtain prior written consent from parents. This can be in the class disclosure or a standalone consent form.

    1. Any digital media from the district video portal may be shown to students. (Grade-level recommendations in the catalog should be observed and rating guidelines outlined in section V. should be followed).
    2. Privately owned videos and personal streaming services may not be shown unless approved by the building administrator.

    1. All employees are responsible for the legal, ethical, and appropriate use of copyrighted materials and will adhere to the Copyright Law of the United States of America (Title 17 of the U.S. Code) and Policy 8100 Copyright.

Revised: Oct 2023

Read 20068 times Last modified on Wednesday, 17 April 2024 10:57
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