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Tuesday, 04 October 2016 12:14

Strategic Plan

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We Believe that:

  • each child can learn.
  • each child is important and unique.
  • there is a direct relationship between expectations and achievement.
  • everyone has the right to feel physically and emotionally safe at school.
  • integrity and trust are essential to positive interaction.
  • communication is essential for understanding; understanding is essential for communication.
  • diversity strengthens the individual, the school, and the community.
  • the family should be the primary influence on individual and social well-being.
  • a well-trained, professional teacher is the most important resource in a child-centered classroom environment.
  • the support staff is an integral and essential component of the school system.
  • education is a shared responsibility of the student, parents, educators, and the community.
  • people support, value, and respect what they help to create.
  • planning, both long and short term, is essential to maximize available resources.

Our Goals for the Future:

1. To provide all students with a relevant and comprehensive instructional program.

  • We will have a continuous process aimed at organizing best educational practices to meet individual student learning needs.
  • We will continue to improve the design and delivery of instruction.
  • We will provide programs to develop and evaluate proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, writing, mathematics, and the use of technology.
  • We will have students apply knowledge and processes acquired through the study of the arts, sciences, social studies, and applied technology.
  • We will develop an individual education for every student.
  • We will implement a comprehensive guidance program to prepare students to compete in a global economy.

2.  To ensure that all students master specified competencies prior to graduation.

  • We will involve staff and communities in identifying standards to be mastered.
  • We will match graduation standards with the student's individual education plan.
  • We will report student progress toward meeting the individual goals.
  • We will provide multiple opportunities for student success.
  • We will train teachers to use a variety of proven assessment methods.
  • We will teach students the basic building blocks for competency mastery.

3.  To meet the individual needs of all students.

  • We will provide a wide range of programs to meet the needs of students on all levels of development.
  • We will prepare students to work successfully and cooperatively with others and appreciate diversity.
  • We will establish programs which support ethical and caring attitudes.
  • We will train administrators and teachers to update their skills for a changing population.
  • We will use existing community programs to avoid duplication of services and to maximize resources.

4.  To utilize technology to support teaching and learning.

  • We will provide hardware and software to support best teaching methods and learning environments.
  • We will have a student management system that supports the individual educational plan.
  • We will provide technology training for students and staff.
  • We will have a maintenance and replacement plan for all technology in the district.

5.  To provide a safe, orderly, and positive environment conducive to teaching and learning.

  • We will involve staff and community to implement a comprehensive "Safe School" policy and procedures.
  • We will use successful practices to reduce "at risk" student behaviors.
  • We will increase school, community, and parent collaborations to promote safe school and community environments.
  • We will identify, develop, and support facility renovations to assure a safe, secure school environment.

6.  To attract and maintain a diverse staff of competent, dedicated, caring professionals.

  • We will recruit quality staff.
  • We will expect staff to look and act professionally.
  • We will expect staff to follow district policies and procedures.
  • We will recognize staff for outstanding performance.
  • We will provide and communicate training opportunities to all employees.
  • We will provide support services for staff so that they can become more proficient in using technology for effective teaching.

7.  To promote involvement of all segments of the community as partners in the education of children.

  • We will provide training for parental involvement in education.
  • We will encourage businesses to support employees' involvement in their children's education.
  • We will support the PTA and its mission.
  • We will support and train community councils at each school.
  • We will support and provide parameters for site-based decision making.
  • We will include diverse community representation on committees, task forces, and advisory boards.
  • We will seek business partners for each school and support existing partnerships.
  • We will encourage senior citizens to be involved in the schools.
  • We will use volunteer resources to support education.

8.  To communicate effectively.

  • We will demonstrate respect and cooperation within a community of individual and cultural differences.
  • We will establish programs that facilitate two-way communication.
  • We will involve community members in the schools and district employees in the community.
  • We will train staff to improve their public relations role.
  • We will use technology to improve communication.
  • We will maintain positive, proactive relationships with the media.
  • We will promote the school district, its mission and goals, and the successes of its staff and students.
  • We will produce high-quality and effective printed materials.

9.  To responsibly address financial needs of the school system and maximize utilization of resources.

  • We will develop alternative revenue sources.
  • We will develop budgets that show the expenditures needed to accomplish the strategic plan.
  • We will resolve funding shortages through a prioritization process based on district goals.
  • We will define the roles of the district office and school administration and accomplish tasks at the most efficient level.
  • We will develop effective and understandable budget reports.
  • We will report financial information that relates to achieveing district goals.
  • We will establish a financial management system that reflects the strategic goals of the district.

10.  To continue strategic planning to achieve district goals.

  • We will base all decisions on what is best for children and consistent with district goals.
  • We will establish policies and procedures that support district goals.
  • We will provide training for employees on district goals.
  • We will review the strategic plan annually.
Read 23740 times Last modified on Tuesday, 04 October 2016 13:36