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Tuesday, 19 February 2019 10:18

Blog Move Training

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We realize that this puts some undue stress on those of you that have used blogs regularly. Rest assured, we have trained EdTech coaches in your buildings on viable replacements for your blogs and they are ready and willing to help you migrate content over to those options. Please understand that after March 15th, whatever content you have on those blogs will no longer be available, so please begin migrating content as soon as possible.

We anticipate that some of you might be wondering if blogs will be coming back at some point. The answer to that is no. Again, we have some viable alternatives that we think will take blogs’ place and will work better. For example, some teachers used blogs as a way to have an online calendar with daily updates. Both Canvas and Google Classroom have this ability built in and is more streamlined to send out announcement to students and parents--again, great alternatives to blogs.

Additionally, we encourage you to please subscribe to our new Training Channel on YouTube. We have uploaded a couple applicable videos that can help as you migrate your content and we will be uploading training videos frequently going forward.


Read 15934 times Last modified on Tuesday, 19 February 2019 10:19