Title I A College & Career Ready
- Lori Rasmussen l
- Link: Title I A Information
Title II A Teacher Quality
- Larry Hadley
Title III A ELL Services
- Christy Wagner
- Link: Title III English Language Learners (ELL)
Title VI
- District Contact: Gina Butters
Title VII
- District Contact:
Title VII Part A Indian Education
- District Contact: Lori Rasmussen
- Links: Title VII Part A: Indian Education US Department of Education Title VII Part A
Title VII Part B Homeless Education
- District Contact: Gina Butters
- Links:US Office of Education McKinney-Vento Site Utah State Office of Education Homeless Education
Title IX
- District Contact: Art Hansen a
- School Contact: Building Principal
- District Contact: Art Hansen
- School Contact: Building Principal
Link: Title IX Information