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Saturday, 29 October 2016 22:43

Busing Procedure

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Busing Procedure

Due to liability and safety concerns, the district strictly adheres to the busing procedure set forth by the Weber School District, the Utah State Office of Education and Risk Management.

The procedure states that school bus drivers are not authorized to allow eligible students, those who are assigned to their bus route, to be dropped off or picked up at unauthorized bus stops nor to allow students not assigned to their bus route to ride the school bus.  Ineligible students, those who do not qualify for busing services, are also not allowed to ride the school bus to or from school.

Transporting students to such activities as parties, scouts, sleepovers, achievement days, piano lessons, daycare, etc. will not be allowed.  The school bus is only to be used for transporting eligible students to and from their registered residence.

The Utah State Office of Education determines student eligibility as follows:

R277-600-4. Eligibility.

B. Transportation eligibility for elementary students (K-6) and secondary students (7-12) is determined in accordance with the mileage from home specified in Section 53A-17a-127(1) and (2) to the school attended by assignment of the local board.

F. The distance from home to school is determined as follows: From the center of the public route (road, thoroughfare, walkway, or highway) open to public use, opposite the regular entrance of the one where the pupil is living, over the nearest public route (thoroughfare, road, walkway, or highway) open regularly for use by the public, to the center of the public route (thoroughfare, road, walkway, or highway) open to public use, opposite the nearest public entrance to the school grounds which the student is attending.

The parent of a bus eligible student may request an exception to this procedure due to extenuating circumstances (i.e. a relative or friend may be taking care of your student(s) while you are out of town).  The parent must fill out and sign a copy of the district Alternative Bus Stop Request Form which is available on the Transportation website, or may be picked up in the office at the student’s school.  All forms must be signed by the parent or legal guardian, phone calls are not accepted.  This form is to be presented to the school bus driver showing authorization for the student to ride the alternative bus. Parents may also call the Transportation Office at 801-476-7930 for assistance.  We appreciate your cooperation with this important safety issue.  

Read 20235 times Last modified on Saturday, 29 October 2016 22:47
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