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Wednesday, 01 May 2019 09:08

May 2019 Superintendency Message

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A message from Superintendent Jeff Stephens:

Teacher and Student Success

The 2019 Utah Legislature passed Senate Bill 149, which created the Teacher and Student Success Program. Sponsored by Senator Ann Millner, the bill provides funds for local schools to support student performance and academic achievement. Money from a school's Teacher and Student Success Program can also be used for teacher professional development, school personnel stipends for taking on additional responsibility outside of a typical work assignment, or hiring of additional school employees, including counselors, social workers, mental health workers, tutors, media specialists, information technology specialists or behavior aides. Schools might opt to add technology or create before- and after-school programs (including summer school programs) that can increase student performance. Certainly, the money could be used for class size reduction efforts or the augmentation of existing programs. Funds cannot be used for district administration costs or capital expenditures.

While we don't yet have the exact figures for each school, it is anticipated that each school will receive approximately $100.00 per student. This is ongoing money, so the expectation is that schools will receive at least that amount every year. These funds, coupled with the annual trust lands money that flows to schools each year, make it possible to provide even greater levels of support to teachers and students—a truly remarkable thing! Principals will be asked to seek input from the school community council, teachers, parents and others in developing their school's Teacher and Student Success Plan. These plans will then be submitted to the local board of education for approval. As long as the school plan is aligned to the district TSSA framework, they will be approved by our local board.

This infusion of funding brings with it many exciting opportunities that will enable us to better support teachers and better serve students. We are most appreciative of Senator Millner's work and the entire Utah Legislature for their support of public education. I'm extremely optimistic thinking about what each school can accomplish with this new money. Although some questions remain during this first year of implementation, I have directed our principals to assertively move forward developing their Teacher and Student Success Plan. I encourage you to engage with your local principal in providing input for that plan.

Read 2914 times Last modified on Wednesday, 01 May 2019 09:13