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Thursday, 14 March 2019 10:11

March 2019 Superintendency Message

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A message from Assistant Superintendent Kevin Sederholm:

I've had the opportunity to write a few of these superintendency messages now. I would like to take this last one to tell those that work in the Weber School District, thank you! I would also like to thank the many students and parents that have crossed my path and enriched my life. For 31 years I have marveled at the employees we have in this district from the teachers, administrators, parents, students and all classified staff. I've been fortunate to work with a wonderful school board made up of exceptional individuals who exhibit great care and love toward the children they serve. This has been another family for a long time.

Now that I'm at this point, there are many wonderful memories I've had such as teaching elementary students to read and write to playing basketball and 4 square with them out on the playground. To the many students that gave me a high five in the hall. To the many office staffs I have worked with that have become lifelong friends. I will always remember the big impact that a teacher will have on a student's life even after their schooling is over. I have been the beneficiary of some of those great teachers that worked in our district and so have my children. I will remember the many friendly bus drivers that greeted me each morning and always took such good care of their precious cargo. I will always remember coaches that taught not only the X's and O's but many life lessons as well.

I've had the opportunity to work with so many good parents that always provided the support that so many of our students needed as well as the countless hours that were volunteered on the school's behalf. I look back with fondness on the many positive notes and thoughts that were sent on my behalf as well as the many conversations where I received necessary feedback.

I've been asked, what is the most important thing I will take away from my career? That answer is easy, it's the relationships. So many people that have touched my life in a positive way. I've learned that public education isn't perfect and it takes a continuous effort on everyone's part to make it work. As the saying goes, "it takes a village to raise a child". I feel I've been a part of a pretty good village.

Thank You Weber School District!


Kevin Sederholm
Assistant Superintendent

Read 2085 times Last modified on Thursday, 14 March 2019 11:21