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Tuesday, 01 January 2019 21:06

January 2019 Superintendency Message

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A message from Assistant Superintendent Lori Jo Rasmussen:

The new year is always a chance for new beginnings, setting goals, and looking ahead to the future. What an amazing opportunity we have this beautiful season!

Quite by accident, I started a tradition years ago. At the beginning of the year, I would clear out the clutter, go through closets, the toy box, etc. This was not an ambitious goal that I had set, but action spurred by pure necessity. Our house was small and with the addition of a few new Christmas toys, clothes, etc., it was necessary to make space. The feeling of accomplishment from this small task was always a bit of a pleasant surprise! Who would think that such a small task would provide clarity, organization, and focus.

I was talking with a friend about the upcoming decluttering of the house when she stated that she was going to declutter her life. Interested, I asked her to tell me more. She said she was going to declutter her home, much the way I had planned, but was also going to declutter her mind. She was going to let go of any negative thoughts or hurt that she had held onto over the years.  It makes sense. . .when all your available space is filled with clutter there is no room for anything new to come into your life! You tend to look back rather than forward in your life.

As we look forward to the new year, let's take this opportunity to help our students declutter their desks, rooms, backpacks, and especially rid their minds of negative thoughts. These kinds of thoughts can take up precious time and energy.

Every day. . . let alone every year, is an opportunity to change one’s life. We have the power to say "this is not how my story ends." We have the power to rewrite our destiny. When you sit down to reflect on last year’s successes and shortcomings, and you are ready to set a goal for the new year, include the opportunity for growth and positivity in your life. Remember to "Live for each moment! Today well lived makes every yesterday a memory of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope!"  I wish you all a hopeful, happy new year!

Read 2438 times Last modified on Tuesday, 01 January 2019 21:37