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Monday, 01 October 2018 12:52

October 2018 Superintendency Message

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A message from Assistant Superintendent Lori Jo Rasmussen:

I love this time of year! We are fortunate to live in Utah with its four distinct seasons. Fall brings with it colorful landscapes, crisp weather, football, and of course the harvest season. I love all fall has to offer, but the harvest season is dear to my heart because it has given me valuable insights in my life.

My grandpa and grandma were master gardeners. They came by this naturally. With a lot of hard work and determination, they achieved great success! Friends, family, and neighbors all benefitted from my grandpa and grandma’s garden. It was a simple garden by today’s standards, just a plot of fertile ground with immaculate dirt rows, but the harvest was incredible. I would watch amazed at how a little seed could produce the amazing fruits and vegetables we would enjoy!

I came to understand that a whole garden isn’t created overnight, and neither is any lofty goal or change you want to achieve or make in your life. When a seed is cared for with sunlight and water it starts to grow and develop into the magnificent wonder it was meant to be. It is much the same with any new endeavor or journey. When one pays attention to their dreams and aspirations, to the “seeds” planted in their lives, a beautiful transformation can take place. Each seed is the start of something new, something bigger than one can imagine.

Parents and educators plant seeds of hope and beginnings each and every day in their children’s and student’s lives. They nurture and care for them daily. Many times, the true fruits of their labor and the beautiful transformation take some time. It can be years later, when a child has reached adulthood or when a student has graduated, that the transformation has truly taken place. What a wonderful harvest!

There is no better time than the present to work towards the life you dream of for yourself, your students, or your family! There is a quote that speaks to this; “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second-best time is today.” Time to grab a shovel and get to work!

We thank our parents, educators, and families for the fine work, true dedication, and unwavering commitment to help our students grow!

Don’t judge each day by the harvest that you reap, but by the seeds that you plant!
~Robert Louis Stevenson

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