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Wednesday, 03 January 2018 01:27

January 2018 Superintendency Message

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A message from Assistant Superintendent Jane Ann Kammeyer:

Happy New Year! It is that time of year when we stop to reflect and make New Year’s resolutions. I always start the new year with big goals… go on a diet, get more exercise. But, let’s face it; it usually doesn’t happen. However, here are a few school/work New Year’s resolutions you and I might actually be able to fulfill in 2018.

Positive Thinking

Coming off a much-needed break, make sure your classroom is a happy place for you and your students in the long stretch to summer.

Revisit Goals

I’m referring to your own personal classroom goals. We are at the mid-year point for school and it is a great time to do a check for where you are now and where you want your students to be in a few short months.

Give Individual Time and Attention to Students

The caring professional relationships we develop with our students is important to the learning process. Continue to know and seek to understand each student in your classroom.

Spice Up Your Teaching Routine

Be adventuresome in trying something new. Use technology or add a new evidence based instructional strategy each month to keep things new and challenging for you and your students. Making a list and assigning one new thing to each month will help you actually stick to this resolution.

Get Organized – Work Smarter, Not Harder

I really need this one… With the fresh start following the break, now is a great time to get your classroom organization back on track. Being organized helps you feel so much better.

Get Your Work/Life Balance in Order

This is last on my list, but it is certainly not the least important. As best you can, keep school work at school and enjoy your time at home. Keeping yourself happy will be better for you and your students.

So, what resolutions will you work on this year? Whatever it is, I hope that you have a wonderful 2018.

Read 3386 times Last modified on Wednesday, 03 January 2018 11:30