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Displaying items by tag: Enhanced

Note: Unfinished learning refers to any prerequisite knowledge or skills that students need for future work that they don’t yet have.

Core Instruction

  • Focus on Essential Standards from grade-level Core and scaffold as needed
  • Include Important and Supporting Standards from grade-level Core when possible
  • Include tiered extensions and remediation

Recognizing and Completing Unfinished Learning


  • Study the Essential Learning Targets for upcoming instruction.
  • Identify critical, prerequisite skills and understandings students need to access grade-level content


  • Determine student understanding of prerequisites based on diagnostic or formative data
  • Consider if gaps exist for the entire class or a small group.

Take Action:

  • Entire class: plan to build needed scaffolds into upcoming lessons; make necessary adjustments to pacing to allow for additional lessons
  • Small group: plan differentiated instruction or coordinate to address gaps within intervention periods

It is more important to help students catch up on thinking skills than facts.

Feedback to Students

  • Continuous, personalized, learning-centered feedback throughout the learning cycle that moves the learning forward
  • Based on observed and/or submitted assignments, assessments, class discussions, performances, etc.
  • Tools: written, auditory, recorded, in person, Google Meets

Instructional and/or Practice Time

  • Elementary: ELA (2 hours), Math (100 minutes), Science (30 minutes); 20 minutes of home reading is still highly recommended
  • Junior High: class period plus 15-30 min/class/day
  • High School: class period plus 40-60 min/class/day
  • For students receiving special education services, service minutes will be determined by the student’s IEP team.

Digital Content

  • Teachers have Essential Learning Targets on a common LMS per school following the district-created style guide (instruction, assignments, assessments)
  • Ensure there are increased options for supporting students and parents who choose to participate in home-based learning.
    • Teachers may choose to use instructional tools such as: Google Meet, the conference option in Canvas, or streamed and/or recorded instructional videos.
    • Consistent time should be scheduled during which students and parents can ask for help via direct communication and support.


  • Assessment FOR instructional feedback and design; frequent, actionable and tied to specific curriculum
  • Diagnostic assessments provided within the first two weeks of school to identify unfinished learning
  • Formative and classroom assessments (with timely results) follow frequently to provide data that will inform instruction and intervention practices
  • Use items and tasks that support deeper thinking
  • Tools: Canvas, state platforms, observations, performances, Edulastic, Forms, paper-and-pencil, Reading Inventory, DRP, CBMs, ALEKS, Preschool DOT

Student and Family Communication

  • Occurs at least weekly
  • Tools: Email, phone, MyStudent, LMS


Based on clear demonstration of proficiency by students with multiple data points

  • Modified grading scales may be in effect as students complete online learning
  • Consider using online engagement as part of grade determinations as appropriate


  • Student-student
    • Class discussion, silent discussion, turn-and-talk (perhaps with white boards), online discussions, etc.
  • Teacher-teacher
    • Consider cross or integrated curriculum to make it possible to deliver additional content that may be necessary to address unfinished learning
    • Use team approaches and shared resources
    • Continue PLCs (may need modified format)

Suggested Reading:

Instructional Delivery

  • All teachers are on a common LMS per school providing a consistent experience for parents and students
    • Each school follows a style guide (district-created guide, personalized at the school)
  • Ensure there are increased options for supporting students and parents who choose to participate in home-based learning.
    • Teachers may choose to use instructional tools such as: Google Meet, the conference option in Canvas, or streamed and/or recorded instructional videos.
    • Consistent time should be scheduled during which students and parents can ask for help via direct communication and support.

Instructional Support

  • Live EdTech support will be provided via Google Meet on a bi-weekly basis at a scheduled time (sessions recorded and will be available for all WSD teachers)
  • Additional support/training will be available by request


  • BARK responses go to home as well as school during the school day
  • Increase iBoss nodes for additional Elementary devices at home
  • Wireless Access Points placed outside will provide WiFi access to students in areas such as parking lots or near the building if needed.

Student Devices


  • All secondary students have access to a mobile device they can take home


  • Ascend schools identify what students need a device at home and set up a school-specific way to issue those devices (devices will be sent home base on need)
  • Non-Ascend schools will evaluate which students/families need a device; unassigned devices from Ascend schools will be distributed to non-Ascend school students/families


All Moderate Precautions followed (with the additional requirements and recommendations below)

Additional Recommendations:

  • Limit partner and group work to maintain physical distancing
  • Students facing the front of the room

Transitions/Common Areas

All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Congregating prohibited
  • No access to lockers during pass time
  • Students follow hallway traffic patterns

Entry and Exit Points/Parent/Guest/Volunteer Access to School

All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Visitors limited to student-centered functions, student check-out, counselor and administrator visits, etc.


All Moderate Precautions followed


All Moderate Precautions followed


All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Consider installation of protective table barriers
  • Consider grab-n-go lunches

Large Group Gatherings: Assemblies/Performances/Dances, etc.

All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Group gatherings are organized with health and safety principles and requirements from the Weber/Morgan health department to mitigate risks
  • Assemblies discouraged
  • Attendance may be limited to family members, officers, and cheerleaders with no admission for the general public and student body
  • Dances are not permitted

Unique Courses with Higher Risk of Spread - (Choir, Band, Orchestra, Drama, CTE, Fine Arts etc.)

All Moderate Precautions followed

Recess/Playgrounds/P.E. Classes

All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Playground equipment off limits
  • Supervised walking and other games/activities that provide adequate physical distancing
  • Locker rooms off limits
  • No dressing for P.E.

Special Education, Related Services, or School Counseling

All Moderate Precautions followed

Pre-Schools/Day Cares

All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Possible limited schedule: shortened schedule, half day
  • Possibly prioritize students needing to attend to those with special needs and learning disabilities

After-School Programs

All Moderate Precautions followed


All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Group gatherings are organized with health and safety principles and requirements from the Weber/Morgan health department to mitigate risks
  • Attendance may be limited to family members, officers, and cheerleaders with no admission for the general public and student body
  • Limited access to locker rooms
  • No concessions
  • Restroom areas marked for physical distancing

Driver Education

All Moderate Precautions followed

Back-to-School Nights/Parent Teacher Conferences

All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Virtual Back-to-School and Parent Teacher Conference Appointments


All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Group gatherings are organized with health and safety principles and requirements from the Weber/Morgan health department to mitigate risks
  • Multiple traditional graduations may be held in order to accommodate all graduates
  • Face coverings required for graduates, faculty, and attendees
  1. All symptomatic children and employees should stay home from school, and will be sent home if exhibiting any symptoms.
  2. Designate the school nurse as the contact person to be responsible for responding to COVID19 concerns.
  3. Follow any other standards promulgated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Utah Department of Health, and local health department.


All Moderate Precautions followed (with the additional requirements and recommendations below)

Additional Recommendations:

  • Limit mixing of groups if possible
  • Teachers dispensing hand sanitizer as students enter classrooms
  • Students and staff are encouraged to follow strict hygiene standards, including: 
    • Do not shake hands
    • Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds 
    • Wash hands after using the restroom
    • Use hand sanitizer frequently 
    • Avoid touching your face 
    • Cover coughs or sneezes (e.g. into a tissue, sleeve, or elbow; not hands)
  • No sharing of materials
  • Restrict drinking fountain access--students encouraged to bring their own water bottle
  • Online learning of students that are high risk


All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Congregating prohibited
  • No use of lockers during pass time or lunch time
  • Restrict drinking fountain access

Entry and Exit Points/Parent, Guest and Volunteer Access to School

All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Limited access to student-centered functions, student check-out, etc. 


All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Possible student temperature check upon boarding 
  • Hand sanitizer dispensed by driver upon boarding
  • Parents encouraged to drive students if not comfortable with bus transportation


All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Class schedules for restroom visits when possible


All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Physical distancing spacing in the lunch line 
  • Installation of protective table barriers where possible

Large Group Gatherings (Assemblies, Performances, Dances)

All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Assemblies discouraged
  • Dances not permitted
  • Attendance may be limited to family members, officers, or cheerleaders with no admission for the general public or student body

Unique Courses with Higher Risk of Spread (Choir, Band, Orchestra, Drama, CTE, etc.)

All Moderate Precautions followed

Recess, Playground and P. E. Classes

All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Playground equipment off limits to students
  • Increased supervision to ensure physical distancing
  • Supervised walking and other games/activities allowed that provide adequate physical distancing
  • Locker rooms off limits
  • No dressing for P.E. 

Special Education, Related Services, or School Counseling

All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Areas of Concern

Preschool/ Day Care

All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Limited number of students per classroom 
  • Limited supervised usage of play areas with no students on the playground equipment 

After-School Programs

All Moderate Precautions followed


All Moderate Precautions followed

Follow UHSSA  and local health department guidelines

 Additional Recommendations:

  • Access to locker rooms limited
  • Restroom areas marked for physical distancing 

Driver’s Education

All Moderate Precautions followed

Follow State Driver’s Education Guidelines

Back-to-School Nights/Parent Teacher Conferences

All Moderate Precautions followed

 Additional Recommendations:

  • No in-person meetings--virtual Back-to-School and Parent Teacher Conferences


All Moderate Precautions followed

Follow local health department guidelines


 Health Office

 Parent Guidelines

  • Information for parents regarding signs and symptoms of COVID19, and when to keep their child home (see Parent Infographic)


All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Student desk tops cleaned at least twice daily
  • Disinfectant misting on a daily basis

Transitions/Common Areas

All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Increased horizontal and Vertical, touchable surface cleaning to include use of electro-static disinfection. 
  • Disinfectant misting on a daily basis

Entry and Exit Points/Parent/Guest/Volunteer Access to School

All Moderate Precautions followed


All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Seat and surface cleaning twice daily
  • Disinfectant misting on a daily basis


All Moderate Precautions followed


All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Install sneeze guards down the center of all lunch tables
  • Increased horizontal and Vertical, touchable surface cleaning to include use of electro-static disinfection. 
  • Disinfectant misting on a daily basis
  • Auto scrub with Disinfectant daily

Recess/Playgrounds/P.E. Classes

All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations: 

  • Increased horizontal and Vertical, touchable surface cleaning to include use of electro-static disinfection. 
  • Disinfectant misting on a daily basis
  • Auto scrub with Disinfectant gym floors daily

Pre-Schools/Day Cares

All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Disinfectant misting on a daily basis

After-School Programs

All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Student desk tops cleaned before every new student usage


All Moderate Precautions followed

Additional Recommendations:

  • Increased horizontal and Vertical, touchable surface cleaning to include use of electro-static disinfection. 
  • Disinfectant misting on a daily basis
  • Auto scrub gym floors daily
Published in Facility Sanitation
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