Find and share everyday cooking inspiration on Allrecipes. Discover recipes, cooks, videos, and how-tos based on the food you love and the friends you follow
Embark on a journey that takes you all over the world. From the most desolate roads in Australia to the busy, bustling streets of New York City.
Need some fonts for your project? This page filters out the diamonds from the thousands of less perfectly designed free fonts available online, for you to use in your designs and illustrations.
Powered by a neural network, Let's Enhance lets you upload your photos and removes blocky artifacts from JPEGs, boosts resolution 4x times, and keeps edges and features sharp and crisp.
Google’s photo-organizing service offers plenty of powerful possibilities beyond its widely known basics. Ready to take your image library to the next level?
When was a word first used in print? You may be surprised. Merriam-Webster lets you look up a certain year and it will list all the words that first appeared in print in that year.
Visit random places around the Earth in Google Maps. Click the "Teleport" button and Globe Genie will zap you to a new location.
National Geographic's 57 best images of the year -- curated from 88 photographers, 112 stories, and nearly 2 million photographs.
This is your practical, free, comprehensive online resource for Chinese grammar. 1,877 articles and growing!
Learning a language doesn’t have to be tedious or boring. Mate offers instant translations of 103 languages so that you can stay engaged with easy language learning and translation. Mate is available on almost all devices and platforms including: Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera, iOS devices, Android devices and on the Mac menu bar. Mate can automatically synchronize between all your devices and save your translations and searches from one device to another. This means no more lost translations or complicated back and forth connections between devices.
Once connected to "2017 Wrapped" with your Spotify account, you'll see how many minutes of music you have listened to as well as how many songs, artists, and genres. Then the web site will even quiz you to see how well you know your own listening habits for the 2017 year before making a personalized playlist of 30 songs you might have missed this year.