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Sunday, 23 October 2016 21:41


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Weber School District employees use AESOP for submitting leave requests and finding substitutes for classes. Teachers can fill out a list of preferred substitutes, and the system automatically finds and contacts the best matches for them.

Login to AESOP

Frequently Asked Questions


What's my login information?

Your Aesop login information is the same as your district login.  You will log in with your  e-mail address and password.  This is new as of Jun 27, 2019.

Do I need to create an absence on the Aesop system even if I don't need a sub?

Yes! The Aesop system is a sub finder but it also performs many other functions, one of which is absence tracking. Aesop is the sole source of information regarding absences. The ONLY exception is if you are taking Educational Leave (ie, attending a conference) and no substitute is needed.

How do I arrange for a sub when I prearrange an absence?

You can "Create an Absence" for your future absences on the Aesop system. Click "Yes" when asked if you need a sub then click "Save." Aesop will immediately notify your preferred subs and will open up to the general sub population 48 hours before the absence.

How do I arrange for a specific sub when I prearrange and absence?

You may have someone in mind to sub for you for a future absence. If that is the case YOU will need to notify the substitute before entering the absence into Aesop, confirm that they can work. Once the sub has agreed to fill your absence, you will create your absence on Aesop, select "yes" when asked if you need a sub. Next you will click the box "SAVE AND ASSIGN", which takes you to a screen to select the sub. Find the substitute and click "Assign" by their name. CAUTION! This option should ONLY be used if you have spoken to a substitute first and obtained confirmation that they will fill that job. Aesop WILL NOT notify the substitute for you and no reminders will be sent.

How can I create an absence if I don't have the internet at home?

You can call into Aesop at 1-800-942-3767 and use the same login information that you do on the computer. Logging an absence via the phone works the same as doing it on the computer, just follow the voice prompts.

How do I create a "preferred sub" list?

On your Aesop home page click "Preferred Sub List". Once there choose "Add New Substitutes". Click on the letter of the alphabet that corresponds with the first letter of the subs last name. Once you find your selected substitute make sure and click "On List" then "Apply Changes". When you view your current substitutes you will see the newly added sub.

A sub signed up for one of my absences but can't work. What should the sub do?

The substitute needs to sign into the Aesop web site and, using the interactive calendar, click on the day they wish to cancel. There will a picture of a trash can by the day of the absence, clicking on it will delete that day. Absences can be deleted up until 5am the morning of the absence, cancelling after 5am will involve contacting the school directly. Once a sub cancels an absence they will no longer see it as available so it should only be used if they are 100% sure they can't take the job.

How do I exclude someone from working in my classroom?

On your Aesop home page click "Preferred Sub List". Once there choose "Add New Substitutes". Click on the letter of the alphabet that corresponds with the first letter of the subs last name. Once you find your selected substitute make sure and click "On List" then click the button in the "Exclude" column then click "Apply Changes". You will see that substitute on your Preferred List with n/a by their name.

Can I use Full-Day if I'm not contracted 8 hours a day?

No! Full-Day translates to 8 hours. If you are an employee who does not work 8 hours a day, you will always need to customize your time to match your contracted shift.

How do I enter my start and end time for a sub?

In the "Create an Absence" screen under "Absence Type" enter the start and end times for your shift.

Can I leave notes or lesson plans for my sub?

Absolutely! Lesson plans need to be in PDF or Word format and can be uploaded from the final page after Creating an Absence. Once you get to the Modify Absence page you will find places to leave notes for Substitutes and your Administrator.

How can I get a list of substitutes and their phone numbers?

Teachers can see substitute phone numbers via a link on their Aesop home page. Administrators can get a file with sub phone numbers and other info by contacting Tanya at .

How do I get assistance with my Aesop account or the Aesop system?

Please contact Tanya at or by phone at 801-476-7964 during school hours.

Read 132687 times Last modified on Monday, 29 July 2019 09:53
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