Review the K-5 Elementary English Language Arts Programs
We're excited to announce an upcoming opportunity that will enhance the educational experience for our students in Kindergarten through 5th grade. As part of our commitment to increase learning, we've initiated a Request for Proposal (RFP) for adopting English Language Arts materials for elementary grades K-5.
Our resource adoption process, which is in line with Utah Senate Bill 127 and Policy 8800, ensures that language arts materials selected for elementary education meet state standards. However, we recognize that fostering collaboration and communication is crucial for achieving the best educational outcomes. Therefore, we extend an invitation to you to attend an open house where you can gain firsthand experience with materials and provide your invaluable input.
Details for the Open House event are as follows:
Time: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Location: District Office Boardroom, 5320 Adams Ave Parkway
During these events, various vendors will showcase their products, allowing you to interact with them and provide feedback. Your insights will ensure that we choose an ELA program that best supports our students' growth and development.
We highly value your input and eagerly anticipate your participation in this crucial event. Together, we can establish a vibrant learning environment that empowers our students to excel.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at the Weber School District Curriculum Department at 801-476-7819.
Thank you for your unwavering support in delivering the highest quality education to our students.
Warm regards,
Weber School District Curriculum Department
# | Name | Size | Downloaded |
1 | Science of Reading Evidence Informed Criteria Checklist WORD | 327.21 KB | 676 times |
2 | Science of Reading Evidence Informed Criteria Checklist PDF Fillable | 712.48 KB | 733 times |
# | Name | Size | Downloaded |
1 | Science of Reading Evidence Informed Criteria Checklist WORD | 327.21 KB | 676 times |
2 | Science of Reading Evidence Informed Criteria Checklist PDF Fillable | 712.48 KB | 733 times |
Nov 7, 2022-
Davis Conference Center, Layton, UT
4:00-7:30 pm
Bring your family to the free STEM EXPO (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). Parents and students from Davis, Weber, Ogden and Morgan School Districts are invited to attend this FREE family event featuring local STEM businesses and education institutions.
Learn about Career opportunities in the local STEM industries. Meet with representatives of local technical colleges, community colleges, and universities to explore educational pathways. Come be a part of the explosive and exciting world of STEM!
Open to grades K-12
Explore STEM Careers
Hands-on Activities for kids
Interactive Displays
50+ Businesses
Career and College Planning
Concessions will be available
Presented by Weber School District & Skill Struck
Weber School District is excited to invite families of students in grades 3-6 to attend an amazing and informative coding night with Skill Struck. Skill Struck is the computer science program that is being introduced in the elementary schools. Instruction will be provided in both English & Spanish.
January 27, 6-8 PM
Wahlquist Junior High
2656 N 2400 W
Dinner Provided
Join us from 6:00-6:30 PM for a quick bite before the workshop begins.
A Chromebook will be provided.
Virtual Option
Scan the QR code to register for the link.
This experience is best suited for just you and your grades 3-6 child.
Email Melissa Hadley at with questions.
Goals: Fluently add and subtract within 5, add and subtract within 10, count as many as 20 “items”, count to 100 by 1’s & 10’s
Possible websites:
iPad Apps:
Goals: Fluently add and subtract within 20, count to 120 (starting at any number)
Possible websites:
iPad apps:
Goals: Fluently add and subtract within 20, add and subtract within 100, mentally add or subtract 10 or 100 to a given number, count by 5’s, 10’s, and 100’s.
Possible websites:
iPad apps:
3rd Graders- going into 4th Grade
Goals: Maintain fluency of all multiplication and division facts and all addition and subtraction facts.
Possible websites:
iPad apps:
Goals: Maintain fluency of all multiplication, division, addition and subtraction facts.
Possible websites:
iPad apps:
Goals: Maintain fluency of all multiplication, division, addition and subtraction facts.
Possible websites:
iPad apps:
Goals: Maintain fluency of all multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction facts.
Possible websites:
iPad apps:
Make this summer count for your child by exploring a variety of reading and writing activities daily. Remember to work on achieving the WSD Superintendent’s Summer Reading Challenge by having your child read at least 10 books this summer. (See QR Code below)
There are many resources available for reading and writing support through the summer. Be sure to visit the Weber County Library and enjoy the many resources they have to offer. You may also want to take a look at some online resources as well. Here are a few that are available: is a online library full of engaging resources available to all Utah students.
Weber School District e-book library
Engaging Writing Prompts
Ideas on how to promote reading at home and questions to ask your child about their reading
Many ideas and resources on how to support your child’s reading skills
One of the most important things parents can do is to help them develop excellent reading skills. Children’s ability to learn to read directly affects their performance in school and also how successful they are throughout their lives.
Students have access to learning software using their school login and their Clever dashboard
World Book Online is an engaging, verified, and trustworthy digital resource for grades pre-K through high school.
Log in to HMH Collections Online
We are now accepting applications for Fall Preschool 2024-2025! You may download or print the application attached to the bottom of this page. It is available in English and Spanish. Applications are accepted through email, in person or mail. Specific information is available on the front page of the application. Please read carefully!
The number of students we can enroll may vary and our school locations may change; These decisions are not finalized until early August. Applications are not processed until ALL documentation has been provided. You will be notified by mail or email as soon as classes are completed. We encourage you to apply early as spots do fill quickly.
In order to facilitate the application process, office staff will be available to help fill out applications and make copies of required documents (i.e., birth certificates, vaccine records, etc). Staff will be available from May 13th - May 16th 2024 from 9am-1pm in the Bonneville Preschool Office located UPSTAIRS in the Bonneville Preschool Building (251 E. 4800 S., Ogden UT 84405).
If you have any questions about the school readiness (grant) preschool or upcoming preschool registration for 2024-2025, please contact:
Tara Keyes at 801-452-4940 (Se habla Español), or by email:
Amanda King at 801-452-4946, or by email:
¡Ahora estamos aceptando solicitudes para el preescolar de otoño 2024-2025 del Distrito Escolar Weber! Puede descargar o imprimir la solicitud. Puede encontrar la solicitud adjunta al final de esta página. Está disponible en inglés y español. Las solicitudes se aceptan por correo electrónico, en persona o por correo. La información específica está disponible en la página principal de la solicitud. ¡Por favor lea cuidadosamente!
La cantidad de estudiantes que podemos inscribir puede variar y la ubicación de nuestras escuelas puede cambiar; Estas decisiones no se adoptan hasta principios de agosto. Las solicitudes no se procesan hasta que se haya proporcionado TODA la documentación. Se le notificará por correo o correo electrónico tan pronto como se completen las clases. Le recomendamos que presente su solicitud con anticipación ya que los lugares se llenan rápidamente.
El personal de la oficina estará disponible para responder preguntas, ayudar a completar solicitudes y hacer copias de los documentos requeridos (es decir, certificados de nacimiento, registros de vacunas, etc.) si es necesario. El personal estará disponible del 13 al 16 de mayo de 2024 de 9 a. m. a 1 p. m. en la oficina del preescolar de Bonneville ubicada ARRIBA en el edificio del preescolar de Bonneville (251 E. 4800 S., Ogden UT 84405).
Si no puede asistir durante este tiempo y aún tiene preguntas, no dude en comunicarse con:
Tara Keyes al 801-452-4940 (Se habla español), o por correo electrónico:
If you are concerned about your child's development, please visit the WSD Special Education page:
or contact the Special Education Preschool: Cori Orozco at 801-452-4936 or
Si le preocupa el desarrollo de su hijo, visite la página de Educación Especial de WSD:
o comuníquese con el Preescolar de Educación Especial: Cori Orozco al 801-452-4936 o is an early education not-for-profit that provides equitable access to proven programs for children and the adults who support them.
For more than a decade, the Utah State Legislature and have worked together to provide Waterford Upstart—a high-quality, at-home early learning program—at no cost to families with pre-K-aged children. Children who use Waterford Upstart come to school more prepared and have longer lasting academic success!
To register go to
We highly recommend signing up for this free program. If you have any questions or need help with registration, please contact Amanda King at 801-452-4946 or
Evaluation System | 2012-13 | 2013-14 | 2014-15 | 2015-16 |
USOE PEER Advisory Committee | District evaluation plans approved in May |
Districts send updated report on to USOE in May for approval | Districts pilot local evaluation systems and provide updates in spring of 2015 | USOE begins accountability audits in selected districts |
Observation Tools Teaching and Leadership | Year 1 observation measurement tools pilot in 16 districts |
Year 2 observation tools pilot in 38 user group districts (teaching and leadership); other districts piloting observation tools based on UETS and UELS |
Full implementation of observation tools aligned with UETS and UELS Pilot electronic platforms selected by districts |
Full district implementation of professional performance component Electronic platforms in place |
Student Growth |
Student Growth Workgroup SAGE adopted USOE begins to develop |
USOE conducts pilot study of SLOs in volunteer districts SAGE Year 1 test data USOE continues to develop statewide example SLOs (Early Childhood, PE, Health, K-3 Science) |
Statewide pilot of SLOs Statewide pilot of SGPs SAGE Year 2 implementation year Districts begin SLO development plan using example SLOs and USOE SLO Toolkit |
Full district implementation of student growth component: SGPs for tested subjects and grades and SLOs for non-tested subjects and grades |
Surveys for Stakeholder Input | Year 1 pilot of survey questions (Utah Education Policy Center) (teachers, parents, students) |
Year 2 Pilot of survey items (Utah Education Policy Center) USOE creates rubric for scoring educator response to survey feedback for effectiveness |
Districts decide survey(s) to use and then pilot in local schools | Full district implementation of stakeholder Input component |
Weighting of Evaluation Components | USOE works with consultants to formulate study of determining weights of three components | USOE pilots statewide to determine weights of three components using district data | Utah State Board evaluates the component weights selected to determine final weighting | |
Rater-reliability and Calibration | Online resources created and distributed to districts to ensure rater-reliability of teaching and leadership observations | USOE rater-reliability certification process with master-coded exemplars in place and professional development provided in districts |
USOE reliability certification pilot conducted in districts Observer certification required |
Professional Development | Professional development (PD) for districts piloting observation tools for teaching and leadership |
USOE and districts provide PD for instructional effectiveness using UETS PD on Leadership and role of administrator in improving teacher performance |
USOE and districts continue PD on following:
USOE and districts continue PD as needed |
**2016-2017 school year includes performance pay for principals as outlined in SB101-2014 | USOE:March 25,2014
Dual language immersion is a 50/50 instructional model in which students spend half their day learning in English and the other half learning in Spanish or Chinese. Through developmentally appropriate curriculum, students naturally pick up the language as they learn other subjects. The program is based on the total language learning approach incorporating content-based instruction and explicit language instruction. Our goal is that our immersion students will become bi-literate and bilingual.
Within Weber School District there are four language immersion programs. A separate application is required for each program. If you would like more information about a specific program, you are welcome and encouraged to attend an informational meeting hosted by the school principal and a school district representative. Only students entering 1st grade during the 2024-2025 school year are eligible to apply. Applications will be available at 9:00 AM on morning following the parent meeting at each school site.
--Applications may only be submitted on behalf of incoming first graders.--
# | Name | Size | Downloaded |
1 | Elementary Introductory PowerPoint | 1.38 MB | 2622 times |
2 | Guide for Teachers Writing SLOs | 958.48 KB | 3193 times |
3 | Indicators of Strong SLO | 620.88 KB | 3366 times |
4 | Quality Check Tool | 322.28 KB | 2144 times |
5 | Secondary Introductory PowerPoint | 1.11 MB | 2351 times |
6 | Three Main Criteria for a Quality SLO | 350.24 KB | 2293 times |
7 | Utah SLO Development Guide | 31.87 KB | 2223 times |
8 | Wsd slo document current | Empty | 0 times |
9 | WSD SLO Template | 47 KB | 3189 times |