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Monday, 07 August 2017 02:45

August 2017 Superintendency Message

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A message from Superintendent Jeff Stephens:

I love the beginning of a new school year! I always have. As a child, I recall the excitement of meeting my new teacher and the anticipation of discovering which friends would be in my class. As a parent, there was the concern that my children would be assigned to a caring teacher. And, as a teacher, it marked a time to meet new students and begin our learning journey together. No doubt, those same feelings of anticipations are occurring as we open this school year. We welcome many new teachers to our district this year. Some are veterans transferring to Weber School District mid-career. Most are first-year teachers and new to the profession. You have become part of the Weber family. Whether you are a student, parent, teacher or support professional, this new school year offers the opportunity for learning, growth and contribution.

As a district, we begin this year without a long-time friend and colleague -- Brent Richardson. Brent has been on our board of education for the past 19 years and for the last nine years he has served as president. He passed away this summer on the fourth of July. Brent was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 16 months ago and courageously battled that disease for much longer than doctors believed possible. Through his struggle, he never missed a single board meeting! In the midst of his battle with cancer, Brent told me that he was either going "to serve out his term or serve out his life." As it turned out, he served out his life. I can't think of anyone who was a more passionate advocate for public education and for learning than Brent. He was often referred to as the "Renaissance Man" because of his great love and enthusiasm for learning.

Because of Brent's long-time service, along with a significant donation to our foundation prior to his passing, the board of education has named our board room the "Brent W. Richardson Board Room." In addition, the Richardsons' generous donation will fund several "Teach for Weber" scholarships each year to high school seniors who desire to become teachers. Both the naming of the board room and the scholarships to future teachers are fitting tributes to a man who dedicated so much of his life to supporting our schools. While he will be missed, his legacy will live on and inspire the rest of us to "serve out our life" as we work with young people in shaping their future. I wish each of you an extremely successful year!


Read 3066 times Last modified on Monday, 07 August 2017 10:58