Note: Unfinished learning refers to any prerequisite knowledge or skills that students need for future work that they don’t yet have.
Core Instruction
- Focus on Essential Standards from grade-level Core and scaffold as needed
- K-6 English Language Arts
- K-6 Math
- 7-12 English Language Arts
- 7-12 Math
- Other subjects are currently being completed. Feel free to use the Essential Learning Targets/GVC created by your PLCs.
- Include tiered extensions and remediation
Recognizing and Completing Unfinished Learning
- Study the Essential Learning Targets for upcoming instruction.
- Identify critical, prerequisite skills and understandings students need to access grade-level content
- Determine student understanding of prerequisites based on diagnostic or formative data
- Consider if gaps exist for the entire class or a small group.
Take Action:
- Entire class: plan to build needed scaffolds into upcoming lessons; make necessary adjustments to pacing to allow for additional lessons
- Small group: plan differentiated instruction or coordinate to address gaps within intervention periods
It is more important to help students catch up on thinking skills than facts.
Feedback to Students
- Continuous, personalized, learning-centered feedback throughout the learning cycle that moves the learning forward
- Based on submitted assignments, assessments, discussions, etc.
- Assignments are likely fewer in number than with face-to-face instruction and feedback must increase
- Tools: written, auditory, recorded, Google Meets, shared docs, using the “chat” feature as an exit ticket
Instructional and/or Practice Time
- Elementary: 2 hours per day (instruction plus assignments total); 20 minutes of home reading is still highly recommended
- Junior High: 30 min/class/day (instruction plus assignments total)
- High School: 45 min/class/day (instruction plus assignments total)
- For students receiving special education services, service minutes will be determined by the student’s IEP team.
Digital Content
Essential Learning Targets are on an LMS (instruction, assignments, assessments)
- Teachers have Essential Learning Targets on a common LMS per school following the district-created style guide (instruction, assignments, assessments)
- Ensure there are increased options for supporting students and parents who choose to participate in home-based learning.
- Teachers may choose to use instructional tools such as: Google Meet, the conference option in Canvas, or streamed and/or recorded instructional videos.
- Consistent time should be scheduled during which students and parents can ask for help via direct communication and support.
- Assessment FOR instructional feedback and design; frequent, actionable and tied to specific curriculum
- Diagnostic assessments provided within the first two weeks of school to identify unfinished learning
- Formative and classroom assessments (with timely results) follow frequently to provide data that will inform instruction and intervention practices
- Use items and tasks that support deeper thinking
- Tools: Canvas, state platforms, observations, performances, Edulastic, Forms, paper-and-pencil, Reading Inventory, DRP, CBMs, ALEKS, Preschool DOT
Student and Family Communication
- Occurs several times per week (encourage documentation)
- Tools: Email, phone, MyStudent, LMS, surveys and Google Forms
Based on clear demonstration of proficiency by students with multiple data points
- Modified grading scales may be in effect as students complete online learning
- Consider using online engagement as part of grade determinations as appropriate
- Elementary may not issue report cards
- Student-student
- Google Meets and/or discussion threads
- Teacher-teacher
- Consider cross or integrated curriculum to make it possible to deliver additional content that may be necessary to address unfinished learning
- Use team approaches and shared resources
- Continue PLCs (using modified format)
Suggested Reading:
- Addressing Unfinished Learning in the Context of Grade-Level Work
- Carpe Diem: Evolving Education After COVID-19
- Learning Acceleration Guide - Planning for Acceleration in the 2020-2021 School Year
- Five Essential Features of Assessment for Learning
- Remote Learning Provides an Opportunity to rethink Assessment (and Learning)
- The Looming Coronavirus Achievement Gap: What Schools Can Do
- Stop Searching for the Holy Grail: Responding to COVID-19 Achievement Gaps
- Re-Entry and Beyond: COVID-19 Implications and Considerations for Pre-K-12 School Districts