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Monday, 22 May 2017 07:26

Animal Science II (11-12)

Students will develop knowledge and skills in a wide range of animal agriculture principles, including anatomy and physiology, health maintenance, waste disposal, and facilities. The efficient production and effective management of selected animal enterprises are covered, including beef and dairy cattle, swine, sheep and goats, poultry, and equine. Practices in veterinary medicine and those associated with small animal care are included.


Mr. Selman @ Fremont High  with his Animal Science students at the WSD Agriculture Facility processing lambs…Giving shots, tagging, collecting data, etc.…




Monday, 22 May 2017 07:22

Animal Science I (9-12)

Students will develop knowledge and skills in a wide range of scientific principles, including genetics, anatomy, physiology, nutrition, disease, pests, and management practices. The scientific processes of observation, measurement, hypothesizing, data gathering, interpretation, analysis, and application are included. Career opportunities and educational preparation are examined. Learning activities are varied, with classroom, laboratory, and field experiences emphasized.


Mr. Selman @ Fremont High  with his Animal Science students at the WSD Agriculture Facility processing lambs…Giving shots, tagging, collecting data, etc.…





CTE teachers and students attend the jr highs to promote CTE course at the high school level.  This help the 9th grade student in deciding which courses to choose for high school that meet their interest in a career pathway.








Tuesday, 31 January 2017 15:01

ProStart I (11-12)

The ProStart® I is a program of the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation that introduces students to career opportunities in the restaurant and foodservice industry and provides them with foundational skills in culinary arts and restaurant management that will jump-start their post-secondary experience, in college and/or careers. In Utah, FCCLA may complement this course.




Ms. Morgan’s Pro Start class at Bonneville are  having a “SOUPER BOWL”.  Students are learning the art of making soups.

Tuesday, 31 January 2017 14:59

Our female Robotics team!


Our female Robotics team involved in “Project Lead the Way” (WSD Engineering Pathway),at The Weber Innovation Center. They are now qualified and registered for the state tournament on March 4th in Farmington. These girls have done an excellent job!

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