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Thursday, 29 June 2017 16:05

Registration Documents

Written by Super User


To register your child for school you will need to bring the following:

1. Your Driver’s license

2. Proof of Residency (2 forms) In parent or guardian’s name. Only parent or guardian can register a student

Driver’s License, Utility Bill, Closing Documents on a new mortgage, Lease/Rent Agreement, and/or Residence Disclosure Form

3. Student's Certified Copy of Birth Certificate  Official State Birth Certificate with notary/seal. (The birth notice from the hospital is not sufficient).

4. Student's Current Immunization Records  No child will be permitted to enter school without current immunization records.

Please understand children cannot start school until birth certificate and immunization documents have been received.


Thursday, 29 June 2017 14:25

School Schedules

Written by Super User


Beginning and Ending Times




Wednesday Schedule

Bates Elementary

8:25 a.m.

3:05 p.m.

8:25 a.m. - 1:05 p.m.

Burch Creek Elementary

8:30 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:25 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.

Country View Elementary

8:35 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:35 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.

Farr West Elementary

8:35 a.m.

3:20 p.m.

8:35 a.m. - 1:20 p.m.

Freedom Elementary

8:25 a.m.

3:05 p.m.

8:25 a.m. - 1:05 p.m.

Green Acres Elementary

8:30 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.

H. Guy Child Elementary

8:40 a.m.

3:20 p.m.

8:40 a.m. - 1:20 p.m.

Hooper Elementary

8:35 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:35 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.

Kanesville Elementary

8:35 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:35 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.

Lakeview Elementary

8:30 a.m.

3:10 p.m.

8:30 a.m. - 1:10 p.m.

Lomond View Elementary

8:30 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:33 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.

Majestic Elementary

8:35 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:35 a.m.  - 1:15 p.m.

Midland Elementary

8:30 a.m.

3:05 p.m.

8:30 a.m. - 1:05 p.m.

Municipal Elementary

8:35 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:35 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.

North Ogden Elementary

8:30 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:30 a.m. – 1:10 p.m.

North Park Elementary

8:35 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:35 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.

Pioneer Elementary

8:35 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:30 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.

Plain City Elementary

8:30 a.m.

3:10 p.m.

8:30 a.m. – 1:10 p.m.

Riverdale Elementary

8:30 a.m.

3:10 pm.

8:30 a.m. – 1:10 p.m.

Roosevelt Elementary

8:35 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:35 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.

Roy Elementary

8:30 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:30 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.

Uintah Elementary

8:35 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:35 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.

Valley Elementary

8:45 a.m.

3:30 p.m.

8:45 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Valley View Elementary

8:35 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:35 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.

Wash. Terrace Elementary

8:35 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:35 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.

West Haven Elementary

8:35 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:35 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.

West Weber Elementary

8:30 a.m.

3:15 p.m.

8:30 a.m. – 1:10 p.m.

Thursday, 04 May 2017 07:47

Information about the SafeUT app in Weber School District

Written by Super User

We recently posted information/resources regarding suicide prevention and warned about the risks to teens associated with the Netfilx series "13 Reasons Why." One particular suicide prevention resource we are promoting/utilizing in our district is the SafeUT app, and information about this important resource was included in that recent post. Several parents have asked questions or expressed concerns concerning the SafeUT app and we’d like to provide additional information to help you glean a better understanding of the merits and limitations of this suicide prevention resource. 

View our original article on suicide prevention

SafeUT App Basic Information:

Those utilizing the SafeUT app may contact a crisis counselor any time, day or night, either by text or call. This crisis worker is affiliated with UNI – University Neuropsychiatric Institute/U of U Health – and we are not privy to the number of conversations our students have initiated with a UNI crisis worker. This information is protected by HIPAA – federal legislation which provides data privacy and security provisions for safeguarding medical information. The SafeUT app may also be used to submit an "anonymous" tip to school officials via text messaging. The identity of the originator of the tip is safeguarded, as well – unless he/she identifies himself/herself to school officials in the tip’s text narrative. We strongly encourage every student and parent in Weber School District to download the free SafeUT app!

SafeUT App Statistical Data for WSD:

As of May 1st, 2017, 407 anonymous "tips" have been submitted to school officials via the SafeUT app in Weber School District.  When submitting a tip, the following descriptors can be used/selected: abuse, alcohol, bullying, crime, crisis, cutting, cyber-bullying, drugs, fighting, gangs, mental health, planned school attack, school complaint, sexting, sexual misconduct, smoking/tobacco, stealing, suicide, violence, weapons, or "other." Of the 407 anonymous tips submitted, the "top 3" in terms of frequency: 98 tips are labeled "bullying" or "cyber-bullying," 75 tips - "suicide," and 61 tips - "drugs/alcohol/smoking-tobacco." Overall, 75/407 tips, or almost 20% of our tips, relate to suicide. That’s 1 in 5. Alarming! And, it is also a positive, in that it shows our students are reaching out to adults in our schools when in crisis. The SafeUT app has literally saved lives in our schools! The next three most frequent text tips relate to "other," "cutting" and "mental health." 

Who responds to tips submitted by students?

UNI screens all text tips submitted by students/parents/patrons in our district. Mental health experts screen those tips and forward them to respective school designees and/or coordinate with local law enforcement agencies if it is a high level crisis situation (threat of violence made to the school, suicidal individual, etc.). Each school has designated at least one administrator to coordinate efforts in the school to respond to that school’s SafeUT tips. In most of our secondary schools, the entire administrative team and at least one counselor screen tips and determine how best to respond. At the district level, several district officials and each of our student services coordinators (each assigned to a "cone" or grouping of schools) receive all tips submitted and coordinate with school administrators to ensure that tips are responded to in a timely/effective manner. Those tips outlining possible student harm are given the highest priority. 

What do I do if I feel a tip is not responded to in a timely/effective manner?

If students/parents perceive that a tip has not been "followed through" on, we’d recommend contacting school officials and/or providing more detailed information about the concern in the tip’s narrative. Sometimes, a tip is submitted and no associated students are identified by name, or pertinent information is not included. This makes it very difficult to follow through and resolve the alleged issues outlined in the tip. Also, in most instances, especially those involving multiple students, information regarding how the situation was handled at the school level, student-by-student, cannot legally be shared due to FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act) restrictions. We strongly advocate to students and parents that if a tip is submitted to school officials in regard to bullying/cyber-bulling and the bullying behavior continues, a follow-up tip should be submitted or school officials contacted with concerns.

If you have further questions about the SafeUT app, please feel free to call the Weber School District Student Services office – 801-476-7811 or 801-476-7817. Parents, thank you for sharing your wonderful kids with us! We want each child in our district to feel supported and valued! 

Thursday, 27 April 2017 00:24

Suicide Prevention

Written by Super User

Dear Weber School District Parents/Guardians,

Many of you may be aware of the current popularity of a Netflix series entitled, 13 Reasons Why. It is especially popular within our teen population. NASP (National Association of School Psychologists), USBE (Utah State Board of Education), and several national and local mental health/suicide prevention agencies, along with Weber School District, concur, and do not recommend this series to all students. More specifically, the series is not recommended for students who may be struggling with suicidal ideation and/or depression.   

We are certainly supportive of heightening awareness about the public health crisis of suicide in the state of Utah. In 2015, suicide was the leading cause of death for Utahns ages 10 - 17.  It is the second leading cause of death for ages 18 - 24 and 25 - 44, and the fourth-leading cause of death for ages 45 - 64. Overall, suicide is the seventh-leading cause of death for Utahns ages 10+. We feel it is important to provide information and resources aimed at fully informing you about this popular web-based series. According to Brooke Fox, LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) and author of "13 Reasons Why, and Its Unintended Consequences", the series "… is a suicide revenge fantasy." The main character, Hannah, completes suicide and Brooke Fox states, "Hannah received everything in death that she was hoping for: sympathy, deep regret, guilt, and ultimately—love. However, what the teen brain cannot process is the fact that Hannah is dead – permanently, and never coming back. The concept of the permanence of death is not solidified for a teen at this point in development. This makes suicide seem like an actual option if this can be achieved."

We realize our youth will view/engage in this series and conversations about its content will occur in our homes and schools – mainly teenager to teenager. So, how do we empower ourselves, as educators and adults, to combat the potentially dangerous themes perpetuated to our kids via this series? We strongly encourage you to have conversations with your child, as we are currently engaged in conversations with our teachers, counselors, administrators and school patrons. Review, utilize and share the resources accessible below/attached, and familiarize yourself with the article: "13 Reasons Why, and Its Unintended Consequences" by Brooke Fox, LCSW. Feel free to contact your child’s school counselor in order to obtain information and/or guidance, as well. Research indicates that talking about suicide with our kids does not increase the likelihood of suicide. Talking to your child about suicide gives him/her the sense that the topic is not "taboo" and opens up important lines of communication.

Below you'll find suicide prevention resources which provides several ways to "reach out" to trained mental health professionals. The SafeUT app allows users to anonymously submit a tip and/or speak directly with a crisis counselor affiliated with UNI (University Neuropsychiatric Institute – U of U Health). Each school in our district has promoted this valuable resource and encourages students and parents, alike, to download the app onto digital devices. The SafeUT app has literally saved lives in Utah!

See how the SafeUT app is being used in Weber School District


Here’s the link to the article:

"13 Reasons Why, and Its Unintended Consequences":

Check out these great resources related to suicide prevention:

We truly care about our students and are fully committed to the implementation of effective suicide prevention efforts in our district. We want each of our students to feel loved and supported as they progress through our schools and encounter the personal challenges related to this life. Addressing the needs of "the whole child" is foundational to The Weber Way.


Gina Butters
Weber School District
Student Services Director
5320 Adams Avenue Parkway

Monday, 24 October 2016 15:02

Attendance Tips

Written by Super User

For more on school readiness, visit and

Did You Know?

  • Starting in kindergarten, too many absences can cause children to fall behind in school.
  • Missing 10 percent (or about 18 days) can make it harder to learn to read.
  • Students can still fall behind if they miss just a day or two days every few weeks.
  • Being late to school may lead to poor attendance.
  • Absences can affect the whole classroom if the teacher has to slow down learning to help children catch up.

Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school—and themselves. Start building this habit in preschool so they learn right away that going to school on time, every day is important. Good attendance will help children do well in high school, college, and at work.

Help Your Child Succeed in School:

Build the Habit of Good Attendance Early
School success goes hand in hand with good attendance!

What You Can Do

  • Set a regular bed time and morning routine.
  • Lay out clothes and pack backpacks the night before.
  • Find out what day school starts and make sure your child has the required shots.
  • Introduce your child to her teachers and classmates before school starts to help her transition.
  • Don’t let your child stay home unless she is truly sick. Keep in mind complaints of a stomach ache or headache can be a sign of anxiety and not a reason to stay home.
  • If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to teachers, school counselors, or other parents for advice on how to make her feel comfortable and excited about learning.
  • Develop back-up plans for getting to school if something comes up. Call on a family member, a neighbor, or another parent.
  • Avoid medical appointments and extended trips when school is in session.

When Do Absences Become a Problem?

Chronic Absence - 18 or more days
Warning Signs - 10 to 17 days
Good Attendance - 9 or fewer absences
Note: These numbers assume a 180-day school year.

©2011 Reach Out and Read, Inc. All rights reserved. ATT1PG_09/11

Thursday, 20 October 2016 23:56

Pay Lunch Fees

Written by Super User

You can make online payments for lunch, book fees, sports fees or anything else necessary within the district. You can set up an account and make a payment once you complete the PowerSchool registration process. Please login to PowerSchool and look for the 'Purchase and Payments' link in the left side navigation.


Thursday, 20 October 2016 23:39

Password Change Procedure

Written by Super User

Go to a computer lab Login to a computer with your WSD username/password 


Push: CTRL-ALT-DEL and click on Change Password


Type in an old password and new password twice


Thursday, 20 October 2016 23:25

School Notifications

Written by Super User



What: AcyMailer is a school based utility to mass email parents and students within their school.

When: This is for sending newsletters, emails with attachments, emails to specific grade levels, PTA, Etc.

Who: Building administrators have access to AcyMailer. For help contact Vincent Coates.

How: AcyMailer is a Joomla web site application. Administrators log into their Joomla site and can send the content out to groups specified in that list.

Thursday, 20 October 2016 23:24

Classroom Notifications

Written by Super User



What: MyConnect is an “opt in” notification system. (Similar to remind101) Teachers and administrators can create a list associated with a course or other group of students. Students/parents connect to that text/email feed for any type of notifications or messages associated with that course or list. These messages are logged and can be scheduled.  Parents/Students can also unsubscribe.

When: This is for normal classroom notifications, athletic and club notifications, administrator to faculty notifications and messages, etc.

Who: All teachers and administrators in Weber School District have access to MyConnect. For teacher and administrator help contact Vincent Coates. For help joining a list associated with your students, contact the school or teacher.

How: MyConnect is a button located in the MyStudent suite of classroom tools. List management can also be accomplished via website

Thursday, 20 October 2016 22:49

Building Functional Capacity

Written by Super User
Building Functional Capacity Permanent Portables Title I Current Enrollment Permanent Current
Capacity 2015-16 Capacity 10/14/2015 % full % full
100 BATES 700 4 800 752 107% 94%
108 CLUB HEIGHTS 425 4 X 525 324 76% 62%
109 COUNTRY VIEW 825 825 533 65% 65%
110 H GUY CHILD 475 3 550 493 104% 90%
111 GREEN ACRES 825 825 524 64% 64%
112 HOOPER 750 750 636 85% 85%
113 FARR WEST 875 4 975 922 105% 95%
114 KANESVILLE 825 825 811 98% 98%
115 FREEDOM 875 2 925 821 94% 89%
116 LAKEVIEW 525 4 X 625 471 90% 75%
120 LOMOND VIEW 650 650 581 89% 89%
121 MAJESTIC 700 7 875 989 141% 113%
122 MAR LON HILLS 450 450 331 74% 74%
123 MIDLAND 800 800 553 69% 69%
124 MUNICIPAL 500 500 375 75% 75%
128 NORTH OGDEN 800 800 549 69% 69%
132 NORTH PARK 850 X 850 452 53% 53%
138 PIONEER 525 5 650 461 88% 71%
140 PLAIN CITY 875 875 769 88% 88%
144 RIVERDALE 450 6 600 517 115% 86%
148 ROOSEVELT 575 4 X 675 505 88% 75%
152 ROY 800 1 X 825 511 64% 62%
154 UINTAH 800 800 721 90% 90%
156 VALLEY 700 700 581 83% 83%
158 VALLEY VIEW 550 8 X 750 520 95% 69%
160 WASHINGTON TERRACE 700 6 X 850 539 77% 63%
162 WEST HAVEN 875 875 696 80% 80%
164 WEST WEBER 850 850 501 59% 59%
NORTH OGDEN JR 925 925 678 73% 73%
ORION JR 925 2 980 957 103% 98%
ROCKY MOUNTAIN JR 1200 1200 1034 86% 86%
ROY JR 875 5 1013 860 98% 85%
SANDRIDGE JR 975 975 793 81% 81%
SNOW CREST JR 500 500 306 61% 61%
SOUTH OGDEN JR 925 925 822 89% 89%
TH BELL JR 800 800 651 81% 81%
WAHLQUIST JR 1200 1200 1155 96% 96%
BONNEVILLE HIGH 1550 1550 1347 87% 87%
FREMONT HIGH 1750 8 1971 1977 113% 100%
ROY HIGH 1865 1865 1653 89% 89%
WEBER HIGH 2025 2025 1862 92% 92%
Greater than .94
.75 or Less

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