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Weber State University Financial Aid & Scholarships
Weber State University Ethnic-Based Scholarships
Weber State University Scholarships and Aid Programs for New Students - Utah Residents
Weber State University Centers for Belonging & Cultulral Engagement Scholarships webpage
Title VI - AI/AN Scholarship Opportunities
Goals: Fluently add and subtract within 5, add and subtract within 10, count as many as 20 “items”, count to 100 by 1’s & 10’s
Possible websites:
iPad Apps:
Goals: Fluently add and subtract within 20, count to 120 (starting at any number)
Possible websites:
iPad apps:
Goals: Fluently add and subtract within 20, add and subtract within 100, mentally add or subtract 10 or 100 to a given number, count by 5’s, 10’s, and 100’s.
Possible websites:
iPad apps:
3rd Graders- going into 4th Grade
Goals: Maintain fluency of all multiplication and division facts and all addition and subtraction facts.
Possible websites:
iPad apps:
Goals: Maintain fluency of all multiplication, division, addition and subtraction facts.
Possible websites:
iPad apps:
Goals: Maintain fluency of all multiplication, division, addition and subtraction facts.
Possible websites:
iPad apps:
Goals: Maintain fluency of all multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction facts.
Possible websites:
iPad apps:
Make this summer count for your child by exploring a variety of reading and writing activities daily. Remember to work on achieving the WSD Superintendent’s Summer Reading Challenge by having your child read at least 10 books this summer. (See QR Code below)
There are many resources available for reading and writing support through the summer. Be sure to visit the Weber County Library and enjoy the many resources they have to offer. You may also want to take a look at some online resources as well. Here are a few that are available:
http://pioneer-library.org/ is a online library full of engaging resources available to all Utah students.
Weber School District e-book library https://www.overdrive.com/apps/sora/
Engaging Writing Prompts https://www.journalbuddies.com
Ideas on how to promote reading at home and questions to ask your child about their reading
Many ideas and resources on how to support your child’s reading skills https://sites.google.com/wsd.net/elementaryela/family-resources
One of the most important things parents can do is to help them develop excellent reading skills. Children’s ability to learn to read directly affects their performance in school and also how successful they are throughout their lives.
Students have access to learning software using their school login and their Clever dashboard https://clever.com/
World Book Online is an engaging, verified, and trustworthy digital resource for grades pre-K through high school.
Nick Harris
Online Digital Learning Director
(801) 476-7977
Ryan James
Communications & Community Engagement Administrator
(801) 476-6504
Codilynn Mcpherson
Media Services Administrative Assistant
(801) 476-3910
Weber District Digital Teaching and Learning
The Weber School District Online Digital Learning Director is Nick Harris.If you have questions or comments you can email Nick at .