Summer Agriculture: Student Agriculture Experiences
Animal Systems
Buy and show a calf at fairs
Form a cooperative with other students to raise broiler chickens
Grow catfish to sell to local cafes.
Operate a pet-sitting service.
Organize and/or run a petting zoo at local fairs or farmers' markets.
Provide a kennel cleaning service.
Provide equine training services.
Provide fishing and hiking services for area youth groups and elementary students.
Raise and sell farm-fresh eggs.
Raise and sell purebred dogs.
Raise and train hunting dogs.
Raise chinchillas, hamsters or gerbils and sell them on the Internet.
Raise fish for the state fish and game department.
Raise game birds to sell for the training of bird dogs.
Raise game fish for sale to stockponds.
Raise indigenous snakes and release into the wild (at approved area) each summer.
Raise market pigs.
Raise pheasants or quail to be released into the wild.
Raise your own livestock or specialty animals.
Run a trapping business.
Start a dog obedience training service.
Start a dog walking business.
Business Systems
Operate custom combining service.
Operate custom heifer raising service.
Operate custom hog raising business.
Work at a seed corn dealership.
Operate a poultry litter clean-out service.
Operate a lawn mainteance/mowing service.
Start a franchise of an existing fruit/vegetable stand.
Start a service that cleans leaves from gutters.
Operate a hay hauling service.
Operate a custom spraying service.
Environmental Service Systems
Start a leaf collection service in the fall and sell mulch in the spring.
Own and operate a water system farm drainage (tilling) company.
Start a service to collect used pesticide containers.
Sell shop safety equipment door to door.
Create a service to remove algae from area lakes and fishing ponds.
Run a soil testing service for town gardens or farm fields - take samples, send in and delivery results.
Sell radon detectors and collect radon samples.
Start a water sample collecting service.
Start a manure removal business for acreage owners.
Provide a wood chipping service and sell the chips as mulch.
Food Products/Processing Systems
Sell gourmet popcorn products.
Use unsaleable zucchini in baked goods as a side to vegetable production
Raise trout and sell to local restaurants.
Process and sell specialty products - bison, wildflowers, ostrich, etc.
Process wild game for jerky.
Collect wild mushrooms and sell to local vendors.
Sell picked vegetables.
Make jams and jellies for sale at a farmers' market.
Start a service to grow gardens for the elderly.
Work for and/or operate a wild bird processing service.
Food Products/Processing Systems - Placement
Natural Resources Systems
Raise wild game fowl for sale to local hunters.
Stock and maintain fish populations in ponds.
Raise Christmas trees and sell at Christmas time.
Cut firewood and sell at local stores.
Raise fish for the state fish and game department.
Operate a trapping business.
Contract with landowners to plant food plots for wildlife.
Construct and sell game feeders.
Create and sell soil survey maps for area farmers and land owners.
Build bat, bird, duck or squirrel houses for use or sale.
Develop hunting ranges; Set up indoor/outdoor ranges for bow competitions.
Develop a forest/wildlife management plan for a local landowner.
Plant Systems
Grow flowers for sale at a local farmer's market.
Rent land from a neighbor and grow soybeans.
Start your own pruning business.
Start your own spraying business.
Start your own forage testing service.
Start your own soil sampling business.
Start your own lawn mowing service.
Grow and sell plants through the high school greenhouse.
Raise Christmas trees.
Raise and sell pumpkins.
Raise and sell strawberries.
Provide services to fertilize lawns, till garden spots, prune trees, etc.
Grow organic vegetables for a local café.
Grow and sell red worms used to produce compost.
Sell and install water gardens.
Power, Structural & Technical Systems
Design, build and sell lawn ornaments.
Operate a lawnmower service and repair business
Build garden sheds for homeowners.
Start a basic computer help service for area agriculture producers.
Start a custom spraying service that utilizes GPS.
Design custom computer programs using Excel or other software to solve problems for producers.
Provide basic internet and e-mail training to producers to increase their level of confidence in using technology.
Map fields, weeds, etc. for producers using GPS and GIS.
Operate a business that computerizes farmers' records.
Make business cards, stationary, etc. for businesses or chapter members.
Run a custom fence building and repair business.