Student Organizations (CTSO's)
Benefits of CTSOs
- The National Research Center for Career and Technical Education's study found CTSO participation helps academic motivation, academic engagement, grades, career self-efficacy, college aspirations, and employability skills.
- A survey by SkillsUSA and the Manufacturing Institute found that CTSO members were more likely to believe CTE has improved their GPA, to pursue a career in their field of study, and to believe that their career path is clearer due to CTE than CTE students who did not participate in a CTSO. The report includes exact percentages and visuals.
CTSO Policies and Procedures
View the State CTSO Policies and Procedures
- This study revealed that CTSO members experience a higher level of academic motivation and engagement than non-CTE non-CTSO students. When compared to non-CTSO CTE students, CTSO members experienced higher academic motivation, career self-efficacy, and civic responsibility. Additionally, the report finds that female students and students of color get even more benefit from joining a CTSO.
- This study examined public school administrators' perceptions of CTSOs. It found that 80% of administrators perceived CTSOs very favorably as being either mostly effective or very effective in developing student leadership skills, keeping students engaged, and improving student's technical skills and academic achievement.
Browse the Association for Career & Technical Education's High-Quality CTE Library to find other reports and benefits about joining a CTSO!