For the month of December the CTE office worked with the Roy High Clubs and classes to collect socks for the Lantern House in Ogden. Socks are the #1 most requested clothing item at homeless shelters. No one should go without warm, dry socks. Everyone deserves Warm Feet!
They worked so hard and were excited about how much money was raised for the club. After making 136 lbs, of fudge all of them are now masters at making fudge.
For a FCCLA community service project this month blankets were tied and donated to Youth Futures, which is a teen homeless shelter here in Ogden. The students were able to deliver them and the were able to hear more about how the shelter is helping teens in our community.
Fremont High School- ProStart,Culinary Arts and FCCLA members have been busy creating gingerbread houses. They made the dough, cut out the pieces and baked them. They got to work uniquely decorating their houses. The top two houses, after a class vote will go on to be auctioned off at the WSD Christmas Tree Jubilee.
MIRACLE MINUTE-Is Raising money for the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation. Sally Palmer drew pictures, and published them into a book. She has sold them to students, faculty, community members, etc. During the Miracle Minute we raised $438.27 out of our $500 goal!! She has put in many hours, and a lot of hard work to help our HOSA National Service Project!! Way to go Sally!!!
Bonneville/HOSA Elementary Food Packs. Bonneville started this project last year, and have continued it again this year. We deliver food packs on a monthly basis. This month we assembled over 100 food packs that were donated to our 6 Elementary schools before the Thanksgiving break. We have collected enough food to do another 100 (give or take) food packs for Christmas!!
Our Thanksgiving Food Drive at Smith's, Fresh Market, and Macey's. HOSA, LIA, MESA, DECA, NHS, FFA, and student body came together to collect donations. Students then sorted, organized, and divided out the food. We had plans to feed between 20-25 families for Thanksgiving, and in the end we fed about 30 families from 6-7 of the schools in our cone.