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Friday, 15 September 2023 08:43

Lessons for Teacher Led Activities

Resized Animal Wall

Below you will find links to lessons designed to be led by teachers at the Environmental Center.

We have found that these resources can be helpful for teacher led rotations. 


Nature Room Lessons

2nd Grade Activity Guide

3rd Grade Activity Guide

4th Grade Activity Guide

5th Grade Activity Guide 

Outdoor Teacher Led Activity Resources

Hatchet Throwing Rules and Guide

Outdoor Challenge Activities Teacher Guide - Coming Soon

Nature Hike Teacher Guide - Coming Soon

Wednesday, 13 September 2023 12:37

New School Hiring Information

Thank you for your interest in Weber School District and the employment opportunities at West Field High School, Mountain View Junior High School, and our new yet-to-be-named elementary school. We are excited about the opening of these schools for the 2024/25 school year. We have already heard from many great educators who want to be a part of the new schools, so we want to explain the process for staffing these schools. While the timing of the job postings may differ slightly due to the number of needed positions, the hiring process will be consistent for all three schools. This plan will be updated continuously based on the boundary process and enrollment needs at the schools. 

Click here to review the vision and expectations of hired staff members.

The following plan will be used to facilitate the application and hiring process for teaching positions:

Department Head Hiring: The hiring of the department heads at West Field and Mountain View will be open to all applicants, inside and outside of Weber School District. Once hired, department heads will then be asked to be a part of future hiring committees. These positions will be opened in early November 2023.

Certified Hiring Round One: The initial round of interviews will be open to all certified employees from the impacted schools interested in positions at West Field HS, Mountain View JH, and the elementary school. Applicants will be required to apply and interview for those positions but are not guaranteed to be selected for any open positions. For West Field and Mountain View, these positions will be posted in early December 2023.

Certified Hiring Round Two: The second round of interviews will be open to all certified in-district employees interested in positions at West Field HS, Mountain View JH, and the elementary school. Applicants will be required to apply and interview for those positions but are not guaranteed to be selected for any open positions. For West Field and Mountain View, these positions will be posted in January 2024.

After Certified Hiring Round Two, we will have been able to identify all displaced employees. Those employees will be notified and walked through the process of applying for open positions at other Weber School District schools. 

Certified Hiring Round Three: The third round of interviews will be open to all certified in-district and out-of-district employees interested in positions at West Field HS, Mountain View JH, and the elementary school. Applicants will be required to apply and interview for those positions but are not guaranteed to be selected for any open positions. For West Field and Mountain View, these positions will likely be posted in late February 2024.

As we work through the hiring process, it is important to keep in mind the following factors:

  • Due to the likely reduction of students at schools once the boundaries for West Field HS, Mountain View JH, and the elementary school become official, staffing needs at those schools may also be affected.
  • Schools that will have a reduction in staffing will be identified once the new boundaries are official and enrollment numbers are calculated. 
  • To ensure that no school is severely impacted by a loss of employees, Weber School District will limit the number of employees it hires from an impacted school to the new schools. This limit will be proportional to the number of students leaving due to the boundary adjustment. For example, if a school's student enrollment decreases by 25% as a result of the boundary change, the impacted school's staffing will be reduced by no more than 25% as well, spread across all curricular areas. In other words, no more than 25% of the impacted school's staff will be hired for the new schools.
  • Potentially displaced employees will be identified and notified as outlined in the employee agreement. All efforts will be made to work with and support the displaced employee to identify and secure placement in the most advantageous situation for their future employment. All displaced employees should be identified and notified prior to the third round of hiring.

West Field and Mountain View Tentative Timeline 

WF/MV Registrar

Open positions October 2023 

WF Fall Head Coaches

Open positions after the fall sports season

WF/MV Department Heads

Open positions November 2023 (Start 2024/25)

WF/MV Certified Round 1

Open positions December 2023  (Start 2024/25)

WF/MV Librarian

Open positions December 2023 (Start second semester)

WF/MV Child Nutrition Manager

Open positions January 2024  (Start 2024/25)

WF/MV Certified Round 2

Open positions January 2024 (Start 2024/25)

WF CTE Coordinator

Open position January 2024 (Start second semester)

WF CTE Secretary

Open position January 2024 (Start second semester)

Placement of Displaced Educators

Prior to Round 3 of Hiring

WF/MV Certified Round 3

Open positions February 2024 (Start 2024/25)

WF Winter/Spring Head Coaches

Open positions February 2024 (Start 2024/25)

WF/MV Head Custodian

Open positions March 2024

Remaining Support Staff Positions

Open positions March 2024 (Start 2024/25)

Elementary Tentative Timeline

The elementary principal will be assigned later in the year.

Elem. Head Custodian

Open position January 10

Elem. Administrative Assistant

Open position January 10

Elem. Child Nutrition Manager

Open position January 10

Elem. Instructional Coach

Open position January 10

Elem. Librarian

Open position January 10

Teaching Positions

Open positions February 7

Support Staff Positions

Open positions April 24

New School Hiring Expectation

As we begin the hiring process for West Field High School, Mountain View Junior High, and the elementary school, we are looking for individuals who have a personal resolve for improvement and are committed to establishing and maintaining three GREAT schools that will impact generations of students in the years and decades to come. We need educators who will meet the following expectations:

  1. Team Players - Every student is OUR student. We need people who want to help, support, and teach all students in the community they serve. There is a wide view of your influence and impact.  We are looking for those who know they are better when you work together towards a common goal. (Collective Teacher Efficacy)
  2. Collaborative Committed - PLC/HRS. We will prioritize educators who are collaborative, committed, and dedicated to working in PLC. Additionally, the school seeks individuals who are open to fostering highly reliable school practices to ensure a culture of continuous improvement and student success. 
  3. Passion for Learning - Competency-Based: We are seeking educators who are not only collaborative and committed to their profession but also have a passion for learning and a deep belief in the power of competency-based education. Our aim is to create a student-centered learning environment that fosters individual growth and mastery of skills.
  4. Inclusive and Supportive Culture - We need educators willing to commit to a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS).With a desire to be part of a prevention-based framework, team-driven data-based problem solving for improving the outcomes of every student. Also using evidence-based practices applied in the classroom, and school to best meet the needs of students, educators, and staff.
  5. Data-Driven and Focused - We need educators who are visionary in their approach to teaching that use data as evidence to track, inform, and evaluate student learning. We also are looking for educators who have a desire to engage the learner by using evidence-based strategies and practices. 

This process is not going to be easy, but it will be enjoyable and gratifying! We are excited to welcome passionate and competent individuals who share our vision for creating a thriving learning community and making a positive impact on the lives of our students.


West Field High School Principal - Mike Martini -
Mountain View Junior High Principal - Matt Patterson -




to increase its property tax revenue.

    $520,000 residence would increase from $1,127.41 to
    $1,269.55, which is $142.14 per year.
    $520,000 business would increase from $2,049.84 to
    $2,308.28, which is $258.44 per year.
  • If the proposed budget is approved, WEBER COUNTY
    would increase its property tax
    budgeted revenui by 5.68% above last year's property tax
    budgeted revenue excluding eligible new growth.

All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing
on the tax increase.


Date/Time: 8/2/2023 6:00PM

Location: Weber School District Offices Board Room
                5320 Adams Avenue Parkway

To obtain more information regarting the tax increase,
at 801-476-7800.




Download PDF

Wednesday, 26 July 2023 08:27

Truth In Taxation

The Weber School District Board of Education will hold a Truth in Taxation hearing on Wednesday, August 2, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the BoardRoom at the District Office, 5320 S. Adams Ave.,Ogden. The purpose of this hearing is to consider increasing the tax rate along with providing opportunity for the public to comment on this matter.

In November 2021, voters approved a $279 million bond to build a new high school, junior high school, and elementary school in western Weber County, along with rebuilding Roosevelt Elementary in Washington Terrace. Escalating construction costs and inflation over the past two years have created some financial challenges in completing the rebuild of Roosevelt. The Weber School Board is considering other options to ensure this project is completed as promised under the 2021 bond.

The Board recently created a Municipal Building Authority which will enable the district to issue revenue bonds for capital projects. This is common practice utilized by municipalities, school districts and other government agencies.

During the Truth in Taxation hearing, the board will position itself to issue a revenue bond for $52 million to complete the Roosevelt rebuild project. The revenue bond will be funded by raising the Capital Outlay Levy; however, the board will also be lowering the Debt Service Levy to offset the tax increase. These adjustments are predicted to have a zero tax impact to taxpayers.

As outlined during the 2021 bond campaign, the board will also be considering making a scheduled adjustment to the local tax rate. This adjustment will go to fund the ongoing expenses associated with operating the three new schools. These expenses include utilities as well essential personnel such as a principal, head secretary, custodian, media specialist, school resource officer, and other non-teacher positions. There will be no increase in costs associated with the rebuild of Roosevelt Elementary since the school already exists with supporting faculty and staff.

The board will also consider making a one time adjustment to the Judgment Levy to offset the amount of $453,436 that was awarded to PacifiCorp and CenturyLink after they appealed their assessed property values to the State Tax Commission. This judgment affects tax revenues collected by the state dating back to 2018. 

Members of the public wishing to attend the hearing can sign-up online. Public comments will be limited to three minutes per person.


Thursday, 20 July 2023 08:42

Bond Progress

Bond Projects -- Status as of May 8, 2024

Projects Construction Bid Construction Start Expense as of 5/8/2024 Estimated Construction End Estimated Final Cost
West Field HS (New Build) $154,431,924 2/1/2022 $122,550,443 August 2024 $154,431,924
Mountain View JHS (New Build) $62,688,570 4/22/2022 $55,765,214 August 2024 $62,688,570
Haven Bay Elem. (New Build) $42,741,300 3/1/2023 $24,246,207 August 2024 $42,741,300
Roosevelt Elem. (Replacement) $46,393,324 12/20/2023 $2,605,300 August 2025 $46,393,324
Total $306,255,118   $205,167,164   $306,255,118

 Download PDF


Mountain View Construction Progress Oct 2023New Elementary Progress Oct 2023West Field Progress Oct 2023



 The work continues on our three new schools in Western Weber County. West Field High School, Mountain View Jr. High, and the yet to be named new elementary, are all slated to open for the 2024-25 school year.
Congrats to Mike Russell on being named the athletic director at West Field.  Mike comes to us from Syracuse High.  Angie Bodily from Roy High School has also been selected as the new head secretary.
Aerial Photo of New School Construction Project Aerial Photo of New School Construction Project
Aerial Photo of New School Construction Project


Aerial Photo of New School Construction Project
Aerial Photo of New School Construction Project
Aerial Photo of New School Construction Project
Thursday, 20 July 2023 07:55


Monday, 17 July 2023 10:26

PowerSchool Status

System reboot scheduled for 6pm tonight. Hoping this fixes issue with attendance and general change logging.

11:15am - Schools should continue enrolling students. Enrollment issue has been confirmed to be resolved.

2:30pm - The issue that was identified earlier has been resolved.  New students can now be enrolled. Testing to make sure everything is fixed before letting schools know. Anticipate 8/10/2023 before noon to let schools know to start enrolling students again.

10:30am - An issue has been identified enrolling students and entering contact information. We have a PowerSchool engineer working on this and will get an update out when we know more.  ETA for a fix is by the end of today.  The issue is that when a new student is enrolled that student can get the same ID as another student in the system. The problem with that is then you can't access the new student but only the original student with the same ID. Student enrollments done via the web by parents are fine.  Those enrollments go into the Pre-Enrollment holding area to be approved.  When attempting to approve those new students the system will indicate that there is a duplicate error.  So, the issue is with office staff entering new students into PowerSchool. There is also an issue entering new contacts for students. Still looking into this one; it's likely related to the new student issue above.

Monday 8/7/2023 around 2pm a problem was discovered with enrollment data in PowerSchool (basically all enrollments were deleted and could not be recovered). It was determined that a data restore was the best option. So, around 5pm PowerSchool data was restored to what it was at 2pm. This means that all changes in the system for that ~3 hour period (8/7/2023 2pm to 5pm) were discarded and need be re-entered into the system.


PowerSchool Production Site

Data Loaded from Mystudent into PowerSchool Status
Student Accounts Done
Staff Accounts Done
Guardian Accounts Done
Courses Done
Student Enrollments Done
Immunizations Done
Program Enrollments Done
Transcripts  Done July 31
Incidents - setup complete In Progress
Incident Data (Historical Tracker Info)  October 1 for historical incidents (this info still in MyStudent) 
Test Scores August 26 
Weber Online Flex No ETA; School created and ready 8/8. Working on 3rd party connections
WIC Online No ETA; School created and ready 8/8. Working on 3rd party connections


Features and Tasks

Product Status Comment
Import Lunch Balances into Titan DONE  
Lunch Balances in InTouch DONE 8/18/2023
Lunch Balances in PowerSchool DONE ETA 9/15/2023
LunchCode share w Fee Waiver Pgm Titan->PowerSchool DONE ETA 9/15/2023
Lunch Deposits sync from InTouch to Titan DONE 8/14/2023
Icons in PowerSchool: SPED, 504, ELL, etc. DONE 8/9/2023
WeberOnline Flex In Progress  
WIC Online In Progress  


3rd Party Integrations and Exports

Product Type Status Comment
AcyMailer SFTP DONE  
Canvas Plugin DONE  
Canvas (WOL and WIC Online) Custom App In Progress  In-house app
Clever Custom Plugin DONE Done. Missing a few staff members still. Marking as Done.
Destiny SFTP In Progress (Jill)  Assigned 8/22/2023
EasyBridge Plugin In Progress Need to Test
EdPlan Custom Plugin In Progress (Jill) Need to Test
HMH Plugin In Progress Need to Test
Identity Manager Custom App In Progress Currently a nightly manual process; Working on automation
IncidentIQ  Plugin DONE  
InTouch Plugins DONE  
Learn Platform Plugin In Progress (Jill) Assigned 8/22/2023
Level Learning Plugin In Progress (Jill) Assigned 8/22/2023
Panorama Plugin In Progress  Plugin is done. Need to create 2 additional file exports
Titan Plugin & SFTP DONE 8/10/2023
Transfinder Custom Plugin DONE Completed 8/10/2023; Testing done 8/15/2023
USIIS SFTP In Progress (Jill)  
Utah Studies SFTP In Progress (Jill)  Assigned 8/22/2023
UTREx - State Reporting Plugin DONE Cleaning up Errors in Data

PowerSchool Status Site

Friday, 14 July 2023 11:02

Haven Bay Elementary

Photo of Haven Bay Elementary
Justin Skeen 801-622-3270


Justin Skeen


5020 W. 3300 S.
West Haven, UT 84401


P. 801-622-3270


Haven Bay Elementary School is currently under construction.

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