Catastrophic leave is available to classified employees when the employee or a member of his/her family experiences a catastrophe and the employee has exhausted all available leave. Under NAC 284.575, a catastrophe is defined as a period of disability requiring a lengthy convalescence which an attending physician expects to exceed 10 consecutive weeks. A catastrophe may also involve a condition which is diagnosed by a physician as creating a substantial risk of death.
Employees Serious Health Condition
Catastrophic Letter Guidelines
The Brainblast conference will be at Fremont High School.
1900 N 4700 W, Plain City, UT 84404
AUGUST 9TH, 2019
Look for more email reminders the week before the conference!
If you want to receive email reminders to a different email please let us know by emailing and copying any emails you wish to add as a reminder emails. Make the "Subject" of the email "Webmaster Reminder".
References: Utah Code Ann. §26-41-101, et. seq.
Utah Code Ann. §53G-9-501, et. Seq.
Weber School District seeks to ensure all students are safe at school. It is the intent of Weber School District that all students who need medication at school are able to receive such medication, and that the administration of medication to students complies with state and federal law. The policy also ensures immunity from liability for authorized personnel.
It is Weber School District’s policy to allow medication to be administered at school under certain conditions. Personnel and students may store, carry, and/or administer medication in accordance with the procedures set forth in this policy. School personnel will not honor Do Not Resuscitate Orders at school or school activities.
a) Prescription medications: a pharmaceutical drug that legally requires a medical prescription to be dispensed.
b) Over-the-counter medication: any medication that can be purchased without a prescription from a licensed medical provider. This includes alternative, herbal, or homeopathic substances.
c) School personnel: any person, 18 years or older, who is employed by Weber School District and assigned to a school in the district.
d) School sponsored activity: an activity, field trip, class, program, camp, or clinic that is sponsored by Weber School District
e) Seizure rescue medication: a medication, prescribed by a prescribing health care professional, to be administered as described in a student's seizure rescue authorization, while the student experiences seizure activity.
a) All arrangements for school personnel to administer medication at school are to be made only with the school principal or designated personnel.
b) In addition to the specific procedures for certain medications set forth in the Procedures attached to this Policy, prescription and/or over-the-counter medication may be administered to a student by school personnel only if:
i) The student’s parent or legal guardian has provided a completed, current, signed and dated “Authorization of School Personnel to Administer Medication” form providing for the administration of medication to the student during regular school hours (This request must be updated at the beginning of each school year (within the 1st ten school days) and whenever a change is made in the administration of medication); AND
ii) The student’s licensed medical provider has also signed and dated the “Authorization of School Personnel to Administer Medications” form stating the name, method of administration, dosage, and time to be given, the side effects that may be seen in the school setting from the medication, and a statement that administration of medication by School Personnel during the school day is medically necessary; AND
iii) The medication is delivered to the school by the student’s parent/guardian, or authorized adult. A one week’s supply or more is recommended; AND
iv) The medication is in its original container, clearly labeled with the student’s name and dose. Prescription medication must be properly labeled by a pharmacy. Medication improperly labeled on the container cannot be accepted and/or administered to the student.
c) The side effects of a medication shall determine if the drug is appropriate to delegate its administration to school personnel. Any medication with known, frequent side effects that can be life threatening shall not be delegated. Medications that require the student’s heart rate, blood pressure, or oxygen saturation to be obtained before, during, or after administration of the drug shall not be administered by school personnel.
d) Narcotic pain medication may not be brought to school, kept at school, nor administered by school personnel.
e) All medications (both prescription and over-the-counter) specified in a student’s IEP, Health Care Plan, or 504 accommodation plan will be administered as outlined in the relevant plan.
f) Administration of medication by school personnel may be discontinued by the school at the school’s discretion any time after notification to the parent/guardian.
i) Discontinuation of administration of medication by school personnel is appropriate under either of the following circumstances:
(1) The parent/guardian has been non-compliant with this Policy; or
(2) The student has been non-compliant with this Policy by refusing medication repeatedly or continued resistance to respond to school personnel for administration of medication at the appointed time
ii) If a student has a 504 or an IEP, the school’s determination to discontinue administration of medication for the above reasons may only occur after meeting with the student’s parent/legal guardian.
g) School personnel will not be required to administer medical cannibas or any derivative thereof, or CBD oil, lotion, or other form of CBD product, to students at school. Students who wish to bring and self-administer CBD products containing zero amounts of THC to school must allow school personnel to store the CBD product in a locked health medication drawer.
a) If a student’s parents and medical provider sign and return the appropriate individualized health care plan, and if applicable, associated medical orders, any student with the requisite maturity and competency, as determined by the health plan team or 504 team, may possess and self-administer the following:
i) inhalers
ii) epinephrine auto-injectors
iii) diabetes medication
b) Except for what is provided in 5)a), students in grades kindergarten through grade 6 may not possess or self-administer any other medications. Students needing medications described in 5)a)i) through iii) must have an individualized health care plan.
c) In addition to 5)a), students in grades 7 through 12 may possess and self-administer medication under the following circumstances:
i) The student may only carry one day’s dosage of medication, excluding narcotics; and
ii) The student has the requisite maturity and competency as determined by the health plan team or 504 team; and
iii) For 5)a)i) through iii), a student must also have an individualized health care plan.
d) Students who possess medication not prescribed, or medication not properly labelled, or in Elementary school, medication not listed in 5)a)i) through iii) may be subject to discipline according to policy 5200.
a) Each school in Weber School District will comply with the following obligations under this Policy regarding administration of medication to students at school:
(1) It is a discriminatory or prohibited employment practice to take an action described in Subsections (1)(a) through (g).
(a) (i) An employer may not refuse to hire, promote, discharge, demote, or terminate a person, or to retaliate against, harass, or discriminate in matters of compensation or in terms, privileges, and conditions of employment against a person otherwise qualified, because of:
(A) race;
(B) color;
(C) sex;
(D) pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy-related conditions;
(E) age, if the individual is 40 years of age or older;
(F) religion;
(G) national origin;
(H) disability;
(I) sexual orientation; or
(J) gender identity.
The FMLA entitles eligible employees of covered employers to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons with continuation
of group health insurance coverage under the same terms and conditions as if the employee had not taken leave.
Eligible employees are entitled to:
Twelve work weeks of leave in a 12-month period for:
Get more information about FMLA and answers to Frequently Asked Questions at: |
Use the attachments below to access the paperwork to apply for FMLA Leave or contact the Weber School District FMLA Contact at: Jillian Hanes 801-476-7802 |
This website offers more information and is complete and up to date.
See the Dictionary below to define what each data element is.
To view Justifications and FERPA Exceptions, hover over the badges for each vendor on the LearnPlatform page.
Data element/type | Definition/description updated 9/18/2023 |
Address | The student''s residential, mailing, and/or billing address. May include any or all of the following elements: * Street Number and Name * Apartment Room or Suite Number * City * County Name * State * Postal Code * Country * Address Type |
App-assigned Student ID Number | An ID number issued by the vendor used to identify the student. |
Application Use Statistics: Metadata on Student Interaction with App |
Descriptive, administrative, or statistical data related to the student's interaction with the application. Examples include: * Login times/dates * Logout times/dates * Usage duration statistics, such as how long a student viewed a page * Which assignments the student interacted with * Which answers the student selected * Whether or not the student submitted a particular assignment * How many times a student clicked on something * How long it took a student to complete a task on the app |
Assessment Results/ Survey Responses | Information about assessments or surveys administered to a student. Assessments may include a student's: * Assessment scores * Responses to individual assessment questions/items * Proficiency levels * Performance ranking * Growth measurements * Proficiency Status * Progress Level * Proficiency Target Types of assessments include: * National standardized tests (e.g. ACT, AP tests, CTE certification exams, etc.) * State-level assessments (e.g. RISE, Utah Aspire Plus, WIDA, DLM, Acadience Reading, AAPPL, Utah-required civics and/or financial literacy test required for graduation) * LEA-level assessments (e.g. benchmark assessments) * School or classroom level assessments (e.g. formative assessments, or summative assessments, common formative assessments, unit tests, quizzes, etc.) |
Assignment Scores | Scores for individual course assignments, activities, etc. Assignment scores are different from the letter grade or final grade for a course. |
Attendance Information | Information about a student's attendance at school or class. Types of information include: * Total number of days absent in a given time period * Total number of tardies * Total number of days in attendance * Absences per class period * Tardies per class period * Date of absence * Date and time of tardy * Absence type (excused, unexcused, excused for a school activity, medical excused absence, truant, etc.) * Total membership (seat time) in a certain class * Tardiness type (less than 5 minutes, more than 5 minutes, excused, etc.) * School check-in or check-out date and time NOTE: Attendance information is different from school enrollment information, such as a student's school entry exit date or a record of which school years a student attended a certain school. |
Birth Place | The city, state, and/or country where the student was born. |
Birthdate | The date when the student was born. Includes either day, month and year or just day and month. |
Communications Records | Communications made by the student that are captured online in the application. Examples include emails, blog entries, in-app messaging tools, or chats. |
Conduct, Behavior, Discipline, and Incident Information | Conduct or behavior information: Data related to the student's conduct or behavior while at school, or at other locations considered "on-campus" sites (such as bus stops, field trips sites, etc.) Conduct or behavior information may or may not overlap with incidents. May include information about a student’s positive behavior as well as problematic behavior. Discipline information: Information about discipline administered to the student. This may information like: * Discipline Reason * Disciplinary Action Taken * Disciplinary Action IEP Placement Meeting Indicator * Disciplinary Action Start Date * Duration of Disciplinary Action Incident information: Information related to an incident the occurs at school or at other locations considered "on-campus" sites (such as bus stops, field trips sites, etc.) Incident information may include information regarding the: * Incident Date * Incident Description * Incident Behavior * Incident Injury Type * Identify of other students involved * Secondary Incident Behavior * Alleged Basis (indication of an allegation that the incident is based gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, and/or religion) * Disciplinary action resulting from incident * Weapon used * Infraction type |
Course Enrollment/Class Schedule Info | Information pertaining to the courses the student is, was, or will be enrolled in. At its most basic Course Enrollment/Class Schedule Information may include: * Course Name Though less common, Course Enrollment/Class Schedule Information may also include more specific information, such as: * Class Period * Course Description * Course Identifier * Course Number * Course Section Identifier * Course Section Number * Classroom * Building * Entry Date * Entry Type * Exit Date * Exit Type * Course Begin Date * Course End Date * Course Add Date * Course Drop Date * Course Credits * Homeroom Class NOTE: Course Enrollment/Class Schedule Information is different from *school* enrollment information which provides information about which school a student attends, their entry and exit date, etc. |
DLI (Dual Language Immersion) info | Information related to a student’s participation in a Dual Language Immersion program. May include information such as the student's: * School * Entry date into the program * Years completed in program * Target language |
Economic Disadvantage/Free-reduced Lunch | Whether the student is considered economically disadvantaged. This is generally determined by whether they are eligible for free or reduced price school lunch, if they are enrolled in a Community Eligibility Provision Resource Center, or if the parent has voluntarily submitted a Declaration of Household Income. |
Email Address | The student’s school and/or personal email address. |
English Learner (EL) Information | Information about the status, progress, and/or support services of a student who is an English learner. A student is considered an English learner if English is not their first language. These students may be offered English Learner services, which may be refused. Once a student tests out of needing services, they will enter a four-year monitoring period where they will be considered "fluent." Information may include a student’s: * Limited English status * Native or first language * English language proficiency assessment participation * English language monitoring entry date * English language monitoring exit date * Qualification for English learner services * Participation in English learner services * English learner instruction type * English learner state software participation * Progress measurements * Fluency achievement status * Length of time receiving English learner services |
Extracurricular Activity Information | Information related to a student's participation in an extracurricular activity. May include information such as: * Title of the extracurricular activity * Student's participation status * Description of the activity * Date range or school year of participation * Activity advisor, mentor, coach, etc. |
Foreign Exchange Status | An indicator as to whether or not a student is a foreign exchange student. |
Gender | The student's gender or biological sex. |
Grade Level | The student's grade level, preK - 12. |
Graduation/High School Completion Info | Information pertaining to a student's anticipated or actual high school completion (including graduation). May include the student's: * Projected Graduation Date * Actual Graduation Date * Graduation Status * High School Completion Status * High School Completion School Year * Degree or Certificate Type * Diploma Type * Exit Grade Level * Exit or Withdrawal Type * Exit Reason * Dropout Status * Academic Rank * Early Graduation Indicator * On-track for graduation indicator |
Honors/Awards/Recognitions | Information related to any school-related award, honor, or other recognition a student has received. May include information such as: * Name of the honor/award/recognition * Description * Date received * Reason/qualifications |
Images of Student | Images in which the student is identifiable. This may include posed photos (such as school pictures, class photos, club photos, etc.) or candid photos in which the student is identifiable. |
Immigrant/Refugee Status | An indication of the immigrant and/or refugee status of a student. Immigrant: To be considered an immigrant, the following three conditions must be met: (1) student is 3 to 21 years old, (2) the student was not born in any US state, and (3) the student has not attended school in any state for more than 3 full academic years. Refugee: Students are concerned refugees if the district or charter school is provided a 1-94 Arrival-Departure Record form, a 1-551 Permanent Resident Record, a 1-155 Permanent Resident record, or an Immigration Court Letter identifying the student as a refugee as the result of being in the US due to asylum. |
In-app Performance | Student performance data collected in the application. Examples include: *typing program that measures a student's typing speed *reading program that calculates that a student reads below grade level |
IP Addresses of Student Users, Use of Cookies | A persistent identifier used to track the student's device or activity over time. |
Local (District/Charter) Student ID Number | An ID number issued by the school district or charter school used to identify the student. Often referred to as “student number." In some districts and charter schools this number also acts as the student’s “lunch number.” |
Medical/Health Information | Any health or medical information collected on a student by a school. * May include information about a student’s: * Immunization Status * Immunization Date * Immunization Record * Immunization Type * Vision Screening Date * Vision Screening Status * Health Screening Follow-up Recommendation * Hearing Screening Date * Hearing Screening Status * Allergy Type * Allergy Reaction Description * Allergy Severity * Medical Alert Indicator * Medication Requirements |
Migrant Status | An indicator of whether or not a student is considered a migrant student. A migrant student is a student who moves across school boundaries in connection with seasonal or temporary work in fishing, logging, or agriculture. |
Name | The student's first name, last name, middle name, middle initial, and/or generational suffix. A student's name may include: * Legal name * Preferred name * Nickname * Initials |
Parent/Guardian Information | Information about a parent or legal guardian of the student. May include contact information, such as the parent or guardian's: * Name * Telephone Number * Email Address * Preferred Communication Method Other types of parent/guardian information include: * Person Relationship to Learner (e.g. mother, step-father, grandparent, etc.) * Contact Restrictions * Custodial Information * Parental Preferred or Native Language * Parent/guardian school-issued ID number * Custodial or guardianship information * Parent Military Status |
Password | A unique word or phrase used by the student to login to an application. This may include passwords which are: * created by the student * created by a school, district, or charter employee * generated by the data recipient (e.g. an app-provider) |
Phone Number | The student's phone number. May or may not be the same as the parent/guardian's phone number. |
Race/Ethnicity/Tribal Affiliation | Race: A student's race may be indicated. Race includes the following categories: * American Indian/Alaska Native * Asian * Black/African American * Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander * White Ethnicity: A student's ethnicity may be indicated as Hispanic/Latino. Native American tribal affiliation: A student’s tribal affiliation may be indicated. |
School Enrollment Information | School enrollment information pertains to student enrollment at a current, previous, or future school. At its most basic this may include: * Name of the school at which the student is currently enrolled Though less common, school enrollment information may also include more specific information, such as the student's: * School entry date * Entry grade level * Part-time or full-time status * School exit date * Reason for exiting * Number of days enrolled * Names of previous school NOTE: School enrollment information is different from Course Enrollment/Class Schedule Information, which provides information about which address a student's course enrollment rather than school enrollment. |
Special Education/ Disability Information | Information pertaining to a student’s disability, accommodations, and participation in special education and other services. May include information about a student’s: * Disability Status * Disability Type * Disability Condition Type * Age at Disability * Special Education Status * Special Education Services Exit Date * Special Education Exit Reason * Educational Environment * IEP Status * IEP Eligibility Evaluation Type * IEP Goal Type * IEP Present Level Academic Description * IEP Present Level Functional Description * IEP Present Level General Education Description * IEP Present Level Parent Concern Description * IEP Present Level Preschool Description * IEP Present Level Student Concern Description * IEP Present Level Student Strengths Description * IEP Transfer of Rights Statement * IEP Authorization Document Type * IEP Authorization Rejected Portion Description * IEP Authorization Rejected Portion Explanation * IEP Alternative Assessment Rationale * Section 504 Status * Accommodation(s) Needed * Accommodation(s) Type * School Exit Date for Students With Disabilities * IDEA Discipline Method for Firearms Incidents * Assessment Type Administered to Children With Disabilities |
State Student ID Number (SSID) | A 9-digit number assigned by the state of Utah to identify the student. This student number remains connected to the student regardless of what district, school, or charter school they attend in Utah. |
Student-Generated Content/Student Work | Writing, images, video recordings, audio recordings, diagrams, artwork, compositions, or other content created by a student. |
Teacher and/or Counselor Names (in Connection with Student) | Teacher name(s): The name and/or contact information of the student’s teacher(s). Counselor name: The name and/or contact information of the student's assigned guidance counselor or other school counselor. |
Transcript/Course Grades | Information pertaining to a student’s final grade in a course or information found on a student’s official transcript. At it’s most basic, Transcript/Course Grade information may include: * Course Titles * Course Grades Transcript/Course Grades may also include information such as: * Course Credit Units * Grade Level When Course Taken * Academic Term Course Taken * Academic Year Course Taken * Cumulative GPA * Grade 9 GPA and Credits Earned * Grade 10 GPA and Credits Earned * Grade 11 GPA and Credits Earned * Grade 12 GPA and Credits Earned * Total Credits Attempted * Cumulative Credits * Class Rank * Cohort Size * Percentile Rank * Graduation Date * Expected Graduation Date * Diploma Type * Student Address * School * LEA (District or Charter School) Transcript/Course Grades information is different than assessment results or assignment scores. |
Username | A unique name used to identify the student to login to an application. Username may be created by the district or charter, school, teacher, or student. |
Video or Voice Recordings of Student | Voice recording: A recording a student makes of their voice. Video recording: A video in which the student is shown and identifiable. |
Web Browsing History | A record of any or all of a student's browsing history. This may include a comprehensive record of all websites the student visits, or a flagged indicator when a student visits a site that has been marked by the admin as of interest. Elements may include: * URL the student visits or attempts to visit * Timestamp * IP address |
Weber School District, in compliance with HB 358 and SB 102, has initiated a strict policy and protocol procedure for evaluating all third-party vendors who have access to any student data. Interactive websites and apps collect student data such as location, name, phone numbers, likes and dislikes, routines, and much more. Because of this, Weber School District wants to protect student data, both submitted by the student and generated by these third-party companies. The most common use of student data is in marketing and research, and for selling to companies for a profit. Because of this, Weber School District requires all third-party vendors to sign a Memorandum of Agreement, which specifies that all student data will be transmitted and stored in a secure way, that it won't be sold, and that it will be fully deleted upon request.
In order for a third-party vendor to be approved, they must go through the evaluation steps:
Applicants must meet the following qualifications:
Application Process
To apply for a substitute teaching position please visit TalentEd and search job listings for substitute teaching positions. Fingerprinting and background checks will be necessary before approval.