Weber School District - Survey for Naming of the New High School, Mascot and Colors

Weber School District - Survey for Naming of the New High School, Mascot and Colors
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Weber School District - Survey for Naming of the New High School, Mascot and Colors  |  August 2024
Dear Weber School District Parents, Students, Teachers, Support Staff, Administrators and Community Patrons,
Due to the successful bond outcome in the November 2021 election, we are moving ahead with the construction of the new high school. This is the largest project associated with the bond. The school will be located at 2200 South 4300 West, Taylor, UT 84401. It is slated to open in August 2024. We are at a point where we need to determine a school name, mascot and colors.
As per Policy 6600, a committee will be appointed by the Board of Education to recommend the name of the new school and the associated mascot and colors. This committee shall consist of the following: a Board Member, building administrators, PTA representatives, teachers, student leaders, community council representatives, classified employee representatives, local community leaders, the Secondary Director and the Director of Facilities. The Secondary Director will chair this committee. 
NOTE: No boundary parameters or adjustments have yet been determined in regard to the new high school. A separate boundary adjustment committee will be created at a later date to determine the boundaries of the new high school. 
In order to give all interested parties a voice, we'd like to offer the opportunity for patrons across the district to submit ideas for the name of the high school, its mascot and colors. The Naming Committee will then utilize the input to organize a list of possible choices. These choices will be explored and further input will be gathered from those patrons most immediately oriented to the school's location. Ultimately, the Committee will offer a list of prioritized recommendations to the Board of Education and a final determination rendered. 
For those submitting ideas, we ask that the following variables be strongly considered:
  • History of this specific part of the county;
  • Landmarks of the area;
  • Geographical area - plants, animals and unique physical characteristics of the area;
  • School names, mascots and colors already established within Weber School District and surrounding districts; and
  • Your reasons or supporting thoughts behind the ideas you share. 
Please submit your top choice for each of the following: school name, mascot and colors through this survey  Responses must be submitted by 5:00 PM on Friday January 21, 2022. 
Thank you for your time and input!
Gina Butters
Executive Director of Secondary Schools
Weber School District
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