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Wednesday, 13 March 2024 10:38



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the provisions of Section 1114318, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended, that on February 7, 2024, the Board of Trustees (the “Board”) of the Local Building Authority of Weber School District, Utah (the “Authority”), adopted a resolution (the “Resolution”) calling a public hearing to receive input from the public with respect to the issuance of the Authority’s lease revenue bonds (the “Bonds”) in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $60,000,000 to finance the below defined Project and the potential economic impact that the Project will have on the private sector.

Pursuant to the Resolution, the Bonds are to be issued for the purpose of raising money for (a) financing certain costs of (i) acquiring, constructing, equipping and furnishing the Roosevelt Elementary replacement in Washington Terrace, Utah, and (ii) a portion of the new elementary to be located in West Haven, Utah (collectively, the “Project”), (b) providing reserves, if necessary, (c) paying capitalized interest, and (d) paying expenses incurred in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds.

The Authority proposes to pledge to the payment of the Bonds various rental payments made to the Authority by the Board of Education of Weber School District, Utah, pursuant to a Master Lease Agreement relating to the Project. No taxes will be pledged to the repayment of the Bonds.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Authority will hold a public hearing during its Board of Trustees meeting which begins at approximately 6:00 p.m. on May 1, 2024 (as postponed from March 6, 2024, and from April 10, 2024). The public hearing will be held at the regular meeting place of the Board of Trustees, 5320 Adams Avenue Parkway, in Ogden, Utah. All members of the public are invited to participate in the public hearing. Written comments may be submitted to the Authority, to the attention of the Secretary and Treasurer, prior to the public hearing. The purpose of the hearing is to receive input from the public with respect to the issuance of the Bonds and the potential economic impact that the Project will have on the private sector.

DATED this 8th day of April, 2024.


By /s/ Robert D. Petersen
Secretary and Treasurer

Tuesday, 13 February 2024 11:01

Calendar 2024-2025

Calendar 2023-2024

Download PDF 

  • 4 Professional Learning Days No Students  - August 19, 20, November 1, January 10
  • Comp Days - November 27, February 14, April 18
  • 1st Quarter - (51 Days)
  • 2nd Quarter - (41 Days)
  • 3rd Quarter - (43 Days)
  • 4th Quarter - (45 Days)
  • First Day of School - August 21
  • Last Day of School - May 23 
  • Fall Break - October 17, 18
  • Thanksgiving Break - November 23, 24
  • Winter Break - December 23 - January 1
  • Spring Break - March 31 - April 4
  • Mid-Terms - Sept 17, Nov 26, Feb 4, April 15
  • Secondary Parent Teacher Conferences - Sept 25th and Feb 19th
  • Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences - Oct 14-15 and Feb 5-6 (Early Out Schedule)
  • Early Out - Every Wednesday from Aug 28th - May 21st. August 22,23, December 20, Marth 14, May 23
  • ACT Day (High School) - March 11
  • Elementary Iron Kid - TBD


Tiffany was named Middle School Teacher of the Year in the early career category at the February UCTE Conference. Her department, and PLC team are so proud of her.

This pic is from the UCTE conference.
Tiffany Ross, (middle) UCTE Early Career Middle School Teacher of the Year
Her NOJH ELA PLC Team, Mary Connell (left), Kassidi Gonthier (right)

Congratulations to UCTE Utah Language Arts Experienced High School Teacher of the Year Mr. Justin Shaw!


We are so lucky to have Mr. Shaw at Roy High School, and can't imagine anyone more desrving of this award!

Attention musicians, composers, and poets. West Field High School in Taylor is seeking entries for their School Hymn and Fight Song contest. The artist whose work is chosen will receive $250 in cash and the distinction of knowing that they have created a legacy for all future generations who will attend West Field High School. 

Contest Guidelines include:

  1. The style for the School Hymn is Alma Mater. Keep in mind that the School Hymn will be sung by the entire school at various events, but it could also be performed by the choirs of the school at events and concerts. An arrangement for the band may also be submitted for the School Hymn.
  2. The Fight Song will be played at various events and school games and accompanied by the school band. It could also have lyrics submitted with the entry and should be able to be arranged for the school band to play.
  3. Entries may be for words only or words and music.
  4. The words and/or sheet music should be readable and suitable for reproduction. They can be done by hand, or a music software program.
  5. Recordings will be accepted, along with sheet music, but are not necessary.
  6. If chosen, the songwriters/composers would need to allow the district to copyright the songs or copyright them with permission for us to copy, arrange, and perform the pieces.  
  7. Entries are due by March 1, 2024 to 


West Field High School

℅ Weber School District

5320 South Adams Avenue

Ogden, Ut 84405


The final selection will be made by April 1, 2024. All entries not chosen will be returned to the composers after this date.


For more information, contact:

Choir Director Thomas Saunders

Band Director Joseph Windsor

Principal Michael Martini

Thursday, 11 January 2024 13:25

Response to Governor Cox Cell Phone Request


Dear WSD Administrators, Employees and Parents/Guardians,

As you likely know, Governor Cox recently issued a letter to school and district leaders, requesting that cell phone use be disallowed in classrooms. I've provided the Governor's Letter and resources he provided (attached). We fully support the thoughtful consideration of the Governor's request, but want to ensure that our school leaders engage in discussions with the educators, parents/guardians, Community Councils, PTAs and student leaders in their school community before "hard and fast" school policies are enacted which ban cell phones in the classroom. Gleaning stakeholder input is essential. Some of our schools have already created policies which restrict cell phones in learning spaces/classrooms. These schools enacted a very intentional process, and involved stakeholders in that process, prior to the determination to implement such policies. A very important piece to consider is how student discipline related to cell phones should/will be managed. 

At the district level, leaders are engaged in discussions related to the cell phone issues we are seeing in our schools. Our district's secondary and elementary leadership, along with our policy committee, will provide guidance and support to our schools as we create a more formal determination of how cell phones will be managed in all our schools. Research studies have well documented the fact that cell phone usage is impacting the social connections, mental/emotional health, self-regulating behaviors, brain development and functioning, and learning and achievement in our young people. The rise in cyberbullying incidents directly impact our students' perception of a "safe and healthy" school environment. 

Many teachers are reporting that they cannot manage the "distractions" created by cell phones and disengagement they observe in their students with access to these devices in learning environments. Their jobs are to educate and inspire, not manage the cell phone usage of their students. Some educators are reporting a weariness and diminishing job satisfaction level due to having to constantly intervene and redirect students related to cell phones. The management of cell phones in the learning environment requires a great amount of time and effort by school personnel. There is no doubt that this time and effort could be more productively utilized to directly support learning and forge positive connections with students. 

The members of our Board of Education are fully committed to mitigating the negative impact that cell phones and social media are having on children's emotional and mental health. Weber School District joined other Utah districts in legal action aimed at holding large social media platforms accountable for the mental/emotional effects we are seeing in our children. As a district, we are fully engaged in the process of determining next steps and policy decisions related to Governor Cox's imperative. 

We welcome your feedback concerning cell phones in the classroom! We encourage you to reach out to your school leaders to share your perspectives and input. 


WSD Superintendency
Gina Butters, Superintendent
Clyde Moore, Assistant Superintendent
Dave Hales, Assistant Superintendent

Secondary Education
Brock Mitchell, Director
Matt Williams, Assistant Director

Elementary Education
Mary Jo Williams, Director
Kirt Swalberg, Assistant Director


1Social Media HarmsSocial Media Harms1.09 MB229 times
2School and District Leaders Cell Phone LetterSchool and District Leaders Cell Phone Letter193.41 KB458 times
3Policy and Resource LinksPolicy and Resource Links89.96 KB226 times
Thursday, 30 November 2023 00:18

Three Weber School District Band Directors

Three Weber School District Band Directors - Matthew Kinney (Roy HS), Timothy Koster (TH Bell JH), and Joseph Windsor (Weber HS) - were selected to join a marching band of 400 band directors from across the country in the historic Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade® on November 23, 2023. The Saluting America’s Band Directors parade entry conveyed its theme, “America’s band directors: We teach music. We teach life.” to recognize the extraordinary dedication and accomplishments of band directors and music educators everywhere. Congratulations Matthew Kinney, Timoty Koster, and Joseph Windsor!

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